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Kyoto University Research Information Repository, KURENAI, and Activity Database on Education and Research are now linked!

 On 2015-03-05 (9859 reads)
Kyoto University Research Information Repository, KURENAI, and Activity Database on Education and Research are now linked. This new feature enables you to find more about Kyoto University researchers: their basic profile, fields of research, other journal articles, research projects, etc.
Please click new icons that appear beside Kyoto University researchers’ names in the bibliographic data of KURENAI:

Icon of Activity Database on Education and Research links to the search result of Activity Database on Education and Research by the researcher’s KAKENHI Researcher Number (*)
Green icon of NII Researcher Name Resolver links to the search result of NII Researcher Name Resolver by the researcher’s KAKENHI Researcher Number
Brown icon of NII Researcher Name Resolver links to the search result of NII Researcher Name Resolver by the name of the researcher (**)

* Links to Activity Database on Education and Research appear when the journal article is registered in Activity Database on Education and Research and data-matching between the two databases was successful.
** Please note that if the search result is only one person, NII Researcher Name Resolver directly shows the person’s detailed data, but that there remains a possibility that the person is a different researcher with the same name.

- Please contact us if you find any faulty linkage between the databases.

Kyoto University Activity Database on Education and Research
NII Researcher Name Resolver

Electronic Resources Section, Technical Service Division
Kyoto University Library
e-mail: dlkyoto[a] (Please replace "[a]" with "@")
