[Main Library] Implementation of disaster prevention drills at Main Library (October 21, 2021)

投稿日 2021-10-12 | カテゴリ: Main Library

We will carry out evacuation drills assuming a fire at Main Library as follows.

Training date: October 21, 2021 (Thursday) 14: 00-14: 30 (planned)
Location: Main Library (B3 to 4th floors)

The staff will inspect each floor from the outbreak of fire to the point of evacuating to the outdoors.

Users who are in the hall during the implementation time can continue to use it without participating in the training.
Please note the following points.

The learning environment is no longer quiet, we ask for your understanding and cooperation in improving disaster prevention measures.


Library Planning Section, Library Planning Division, Main Library
kikaku660 (at) mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Please replace (at) with @.


