[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 262 items from Zokyo Shoin Collection have been newly digitized and released

投稿日 2024-02-09 | カテゴリ: Library Network

Zokyo Shoin Collection held by the Main Library consists of Buddhist sutras and books collected from the archives of temples by a publisher in Kyoto.
Among these, 262 items from Zokyo Shoin-bon have been newly digitized and released.

大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經合論 十卷

大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經合論 十卷

The digitization of part of Zokyo Shoin Collection is supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (23HP8002).

▼Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive
262 items from Zokyo Shoin Collection have been newly digitized and released

