Scheduler -Detail View-

Summary Medical Library self guided tour "Medical Library for the first time" (Apr. 10th - May 12th)
Beginning DateTime 12th April 2017(Wednesday) (Allday Event)
Finishing DateTime 12th April 2017(Wednesday)
Location 医学図書館
Contact 図書掛 075-753-4313

Medical Library self guided tour "Medical Library for the first time" is held. Until May 12th, you can explore Medical Library with the leaflet on which very useful information to use our library is found.

Duration: Apr. 10 (Mon.) - May 12 (Fri.)

Categories Events
Medical Library
Submitter 医学図書館 図書掛
Class publish
Recur Rules custom  unitil 2017-04-10 00:00:00
Last Modified 2025-02-19 23:38:04
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