


[Oxford University Press]
Very Short Introductions 395冊    *Very Short Introductionsとは
Bookworms 266冊    *Bookwormsとは
Dominoes 34冊    *Dominoesとは
Oxford World's Classics 493冊    *Oxford World's Classicsとは

Macmillan Readers 73冊    *Macmillan Readersとは

Penguin Readers 178冊    *Penguin Readersとは
Penguin Classics 745冊     *Penguin Classicsとは

Cambridge English Readers 70冊    *Cambridge English Readersとは

The basics 67冊   *The basicsとは
Classics 199冊   *Classicsとは



Gale Virtual Reference Library
  *Gale Virtual Reference Libraryとは
  ・時事問題を考えるシリーズ  320冊

Maruzen eBook Library *マニュアル
  ・Page Turners (Cengage)     *Page Turners (Cengage)とは

Net Library *マニュアル
  ・マジック・ツリーハウス (52冊探検ガイド31冊)
  ・各賞受賞作品 *児童文学の各賞(ニューベリー賞、アレックス賞他)を受賞したヤングアダルト・児童書のコレクション。  98冊
  ・村上春樹安部公房三島由紀夫作品  23冊
  ・その他読み物  524冊 ピケティ「21世紀の資本」, 「ホーキング、自らを語る」, John Grisham作品etc.)


英語学習、多読について Jennifer Teeter先生(国際高等教育院 特定外国語担当講師)からお伺いしました


・ 「多読」とは何ですか?どのような学習法ですか?

Extensive Reading is a type of reading activity where the goal is to learn to read with better fluency and understanding of language, which ultimately enhances understanding and enjoyment of reading. This is unlike intensive reading where the goal is to learn or find information. In extensive reading, you read a large amount of books or materials (preferably four books a month) of YOUR CHOICE at a level and speed that is comfortable for you (around 150 to 200 words a minute and understanding of 98% of the words on a page).


Understand English as English means not to worry about directly translating back and forth from English to Japanese but to “feel” the meaning of English by focusing on meaning more than form. Extensive reading helps people acquire this ability by increasing exposure and thus familiarity with English phrases and clusters of words.


・ 読むときに意識すべきことは何ですか?(何に気を付けて読むと良いですか?)

Rather than worrying about what to focus on, remember not to focus on what you don’t know. Often times unknown words become understood through the pictures in the books, or even in the next sentence. Skip over unknown words or phrases and try to gain an understanding of the gist.


These types of CDs can help you pronounce words better. I recommend reading the book first without a CD, and then shadowing the CD recording without looking at the book. If there is time, read through the book again while repeating after the CD and notice how spelling and pronunciation link. It is important to vocalize what you are reading and listening too.


・ 「とにかくたくさん読む」と聞きましたが、読む量の目安はありますか?(一日に、一週間にどれくらい読めばいいのでしょうか?また読む量は、“時間”、“ページ”、“冊数”、何で測るのでしょうか。)

The purpose of extensive reading is to enjoy the process. If you are enjoying you will keep reading. How much you should read really depends on your level. But the more you read at your level, the faster you will become, and the more you will keep reading. Do as much as you can.

・ 何か月くらい、あるいは何年くらい続ければよいのですか?

Remember that the purpose is to enjoy reading. If it becomes cumbersome or boring to read a particular book, stop and find a new one to enjoy. Start with around 15,000 to 25,000 words/month which could be 1-5 books depending on the number of pages and keep setting a new goal each month to read either longer books or more books.


・ 各シリーズにレベルが付いていますが、自分にあったレベルはどうやって見つけるのですか?

In extensive reading, the books should be comfortable to read. Choose books where you seldom need a dictionary, or do not need one at all. You should understand about 98% of the words on the page. If there is more than one unknown word per every ten words, the book is likely too difficult.


150 to 250 words per minute. If you are unsure of your speed, set a timer for five minutes and read the book you have selected. Take an average of how many of the words you were able to read in that five minutes in order to check your reading speed for the book. Also, make sure you don’t read each word one-by-one. Try to read in clusters.



I enjoy the Oxford Bookworms series because it provides a selection of books that most English-speakers are familiar with. In conversation and in writing, English-speakers tend to refer to these books, so knowing about them will help you navigate and understand the English-speaking world better. If you haven’t read 『Romeo and Juliet』 in English, I highly recommend. English-speakers are always quoting this Shakespeare classic.


Studying a foreign language is not always fun, but there are fun ways to learn. Find what works for you by trying many different things. When you get bored or tired, switch to another method or topic. When I study, I try to focus on one or two skills at a time. For example, I will study reading for 45 minutes. Then I will study kanji and sentence writing for 30 minutes. After that I will do listening and shadowing for 30 minutes. If you keep changing what you study and how you study, you can study for longer and enjoy it. It is important to study reading, writing, speaking, and listening because they all support each other. Finally, I like to choose one topic to study a week. For example, you can use a newspaper or news video on soccer for one week and only read or listen to soccer articles and videos. Take notes, make flashcards, et cetera. Immerse yourself in the topic. Then change to football, then a new governmental policy, then a something related to biology, et cetera. Keep changing and you will be able to keep studying.


多読指導ガイド - Extensive Reading Foundation

The Extensive Reading Foundation

日本多読学会(Japan Extensive Reading Association)