[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 49 plates of map from Kiheitai Nikki (奇兵隊日記) have been newly released

投稿日 2022-03-31 | カテゴリ: Library Network

The Kiheitai Nikki (奇兵隊日記) is a record of the activities of the Kiheitai, founded by Takasugi Shinsaku at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate.
It was held by Shinagawa Yajiro (品川弥二郎) at the memorial hall Sonjo-do (尊攘堂). Whole collection of the Sonjo-do was donated to the Main Library in 1900, and became the current “Meiji Restoration Collection.”
The Kiheitai Nikki consists of 27 volumes of bound records, which were already available in our digital archives, and 49 plates of maps.


Left: Chōfu-han Katsuyamajō shūhen ezu (長府藩勝山城周辺絵図)
Right: Echigotsugawa Aizutakada kan dōro ezu (越後津川・会津高田間道路絵図)


Record IDTitleList NOSizeCall No
RB00033185 [長府藩勝山城周辺絵図]1203×222cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033186 [小倉藩領内里付近絵図]226×39cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033187 [石見国絵図]345×95cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033188 [陸奥国河沼郡道路図]422.5×29.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033189 [下関絵図]540.5×80cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033190 [越後国蒲原郡粟瀬村付近絵図]624×33cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033191 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その1> ]724.5×33.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033192 [越後国岩船郡海岸図]824×135cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033193 [越後国古志郡北部絵図]939×42cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033194 [薩英戦争鹿児島湾図]1033.5×49cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033195 [越後国蒲原郡新津町絵図]1140×74.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033196 [越後国蒲原郡津川町周辺道路図]1249×67cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033197 [越後国蒲原郡五泉町付近道路図]1338.5×55cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033198 [越後国三島郡・古志郡長岡町周辺絵図 <その1> ]1431.5×44.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033199 [越後国蒲原郡津川町付近絵図 <その1> ]1540×67.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033200 [越後国蒲原郡若松街道図]1653.5×77.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033201 [越後国古志郡・魚沼郡絵図]1781×81cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033202 [越後国蒲原郡東部絵図 <その1> ]1873.5×52cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033203 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その1> ]1939×137cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033204 [越後国栃尾町・八十里越間道路絵図]2039×81cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033205 [越後国古志郡・三島郡絵図]21105×149cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033206 [越後国長岡・栃尾間道路絵図]2224.5×34.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033207 [奥越国境八十里越・六十里越方面守備布陣図]232枚とも: 33.5×24.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033208 [越後国長岡・新発田間道路絵図]2440×74cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033209 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その2> ]2527.5×38.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033210 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その3> ]2640×55.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033211 [越後国見附・村松間道路絵図]2734×48.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033212 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その2> ]2870×97.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033213 [越後津川・会津高田間道路絵図]2966.5×36.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033214 [陸奥国耶麻郡絵図]3027.5×47cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033215 [越後国頸城郡細野村付近絵図]3173×26.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033216 [陸奥国柳津・会津若松間道路略図]3233.5×25.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033217 [越後国蒲原郡津川町付近絵図 <その2> ]3324.5×33.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033218 会津絵図3456×70cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033219 [陸奥国会津若松周辺略図]3522.5×30cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033220 [陸奥国会津若松周辺道路図]3626×31.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033221 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その3> ]3757×65cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033222 [会津若松城下絵図]3830×53cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033223 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その4> ]3983×71cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033224 越後国岩船郡米沢御預所七拾七ヶ村郡中絵図4027.5×44cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033225 [越後国蒲原郡馬取村にて探索略図]4167×24.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033226 [越後国蒲原郡下田郷絵図]4274×101cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033227 [越後国見附・加茂間同盟軍布陣図]4324.5×65.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033228 [越後国三島郡・古志郡長岡町周辺絵図 <その2> ]4439×27.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033229 [越後国古志郡長岡町周辺絵図]4524.5×32.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033230 [陸奥国耶麻郡野沢付近道路略図]4627.5×63cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033231 越後国岩船郡粟生島之図4730×22.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033232 [越後国蒲原郡東部絵図 <その2> ]4883×83cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033233 [陸奥国越後街道図]無番27.5×62.5cm尊/キ7/貴


The digitization of the above-mentioned rare materials has been realized thanks to the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund.
We sincerely extend our appreciation to their generosity, with our determination to continue this digitization project to preserve and make the best use of our rare materials at the same time, which we believe will lead to the promotion of research and culture.

As of March 31, 2022, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,872,197 images of 23,250 titles.


