[Database] Science of Synthesis Roadshow (Sept. 8)

投稿日 2023-08-07 | カテゴリ: Library Network

Thieme will hold a seminar on "Science of Synthesis", a database in the field of synthetic organic chemistry.

In the seminar, the editorial staff of Science of Synthesis will directly explain the contents of Science of Synthesis and how to use its tools efficiently. The seminar will be held at the Yoshida and Katsura campuses.
*Pre-registration is required.

Science of Synthesis Roadshow

Presenter: Dr. Marcus White (Scientific Editor, Science of Synthesis)

Yoshida - North Campus

When: Friday 8 September 2023, 10:00-
Where: Room 672, North Tower, Science Building, North Campus (Yoshida)
Registration: https://lp.thieme.de/is/sos-roadshow/jp-KyotoU-NorthCampus-2023/


Katsura Campus

When: Friday 8 September 2023, 15:00-
Where: Room A2-303, Cluster A, Katsura Campus
Registration: https://lp.thieme.de/is/sos-roadshow/jp-KyotoU-KatsuraCampus-2023/


In conjunction with the seminar, a trial of "Science of Synthesis" is available from September 1 (Fri.) to October 31 (Tue.). Please access from the campus network environment. [Added on Sep 04, 2023]

For inquiries regarding the seminar, please contact "Contact for More Information" on the flyer.

[E-resource Team, Kyoto University Library]

