Self-archiving by Kyoto University Research Information Repository "KURENAI"

Kyoto University Research Information Repository "KURENAI"

KURENAI, a high-profile global showcase for your work, provides Open Access

A growing international trend, open access, makes academic research available free of charge. Kyoto University Research Information Repository "KURENAI" is a platform for open access to Kyoto University's research and educational output, contributing to the wider community.

  • Repository content is covered by databases such as Google Scholar and Cinii.
  • Permalinks guarantee permanent access.

What is "KURENAI"?

KURENAI is an acronym for Kyoto University Repository for Navigating Academic Information. The name KURENAI recalls the opening lines of the anthem of Japan's Third High School, an antecedent of Kyoto University.

Japan's largest repository

KURENAI is Japan's largest repository, ranked 6th worldwide by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) Rankings of World Web Repositories (March, 2024).

KURENAI provides worldwide exposure with a simple registration process, for all former and current affiliates of Kyoto University

Researchers: Increase Worldwide Visibility!

  • Publicize your academic journal articles and research output.
  • KURENAI can help you obtain permissions from publishers.

Doctoral recipients: Public Access!

  • Pre-2013 doctoral recipients can request full-text public access for their dissertations.
  • Beginning in 2013, doctoral candidates must provide full-text public access for their dissertations.

Editors: Go Digital!

  • KURENAI can convert your bulletins into digital journals.
  • Library can help you obtain permissions from authors.
  • You can predetermine dates for open access.

Copyright of the contents in KURENAI

Copyright of the contents in KURENAI belongs to the authors or the publishers of the contents, not to Kyoto University Library. The Contents in KURENAI, unless explicitly stated, are only for personal use or citations as defined in the Copyright Law. For any other purposes beyond that, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder(s).

Operation of KURENAI

KURENAI is operated by Kyoto University Library Network.