[KU members only] Return of books in the stack

  • You can return the materials at the law library counter or the book drop in front of the law library. (Some books should be returned directly to the counter in the Law Library.)
  • You can return borrowing book by post.
    Please email us in advance and send the books in a traceable method.
    Please pay the postage.

Law Library Kyoto University
Yoshida-hommachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
606-8501 JAPAN
Tel: +81-75-753-3114
E-mail: lawlib_eturan@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

  • Point
    ・Pack the books carefully so that they are not damaged by accidents in the post.
    ・Please write “Returned books are in” on the box or bag containing the returned books or on the invoice.
    ・Save a copy of the invoice in case of accidents during transport.


  • All persons entering the Law Library must show identification. (student ID card, staff ID card, Kyoto university library card etc.)