Kyoto University
Library catalogue
- CiNii Books
- National Archives of Japan Digital Archives
- Kyoto Prefecture Libraries Union Catalog
- Doshisha Online Retrieval System DOORS
- Ritsumeikan Online Public Access Catalog RUNNERS
Laws and regulations
- Japan Laws and Regulations Index [National Diet Library, Japan]
- The Online Official Gazette Service [National Printing Bureau]
- The Official Gazette Search Service [National Printing Bureau]【KU LAN only】
- e-Gov [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications]
- The constitution of law [The House of Representatives]
- Database for the minutes of the Diet [National Diet Library, Japan]
Judicial precedents
- Judicial precedents [Supreme Court of Japan]
- Westlaw Japan [Thomson Reuters]【KU LAN only】
- yuhikaku online law journal [yuhikaku]【KU LAN only】
- Database for the privacy protection and access to information [Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications]
- Database for the labor relations commission [The Central Labour Relations Commission]
- Casebook of the issue of consumers [National consumer affairs center of Japan]
- 公表裁決事例集[National Tax Tribunal]
- NDL Search [National Diet Library, Japan]
- magazineplus [Nichigai Associates]【KU LAN only】
- Nikkei Telecom [Nihon Keizai Shimbun]【KU LAN only】
- Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search [Asahi Shimbun Publishing]【KU LAN only】
- Maisaku [Mainichi Newspapers]【KU LAN only】
- Yomidasu [Yomiuri Shimbun]【KU LAN only】
- JapanKnowledge Lib [NetAdvance]【KU LAN only】
- The Japan Times Archives [The Japan Times]【KU LAN only】
- Lexis+ [LexisNexis]【KU LAN only】
- Newspaper [Kyoto University Library Network]
- e-Stat [National Statistics Center]
- Statistics [Ministry of Justice]
- Judiciary statistics [Supreme Court of Japan]
- Statistics [Kyoto Prefecture]
Domestic Information
- Domestic Information [National Diet Library, Japan]
Administrative organization
- The House of Representatives
- The Legislative Bureau of the House of Representatives
- House of Councillors
- Legislative Bureau House of Councillors
- Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet
- Cabinet Office
- Cabinet Legislation Bureau
- The Ministry of Justice
- Public Prosecutors Office
- Supreme Court of Japan
- National Tax Agency
- National Tax Tribunal
Local administrative organ
- Local government map search [Japan Agency for Local Authority Information Systems]
- Prefectures [National Diet Library, Japan]
- Bulletins of the prefecture [National Diet Library, Japan]
- Kyoto Prefecture
- City of Kyoto
Overseas Information
- Overseas Information [National Diet Library, Japan]
- Countries & Regions [Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan]
International organization
- International organization [The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan]
- Research Navi – International organization [National Diet Library, Japan]
- United Nations
- United Nations Digital Library
- United Nations Treaty Collection
- United Nations Information Centre
- Research Navi – UN [National Diet Library, Japan]
- EUR-Lex
- European External Action Service
- European Court of Justice
- Research Navi – EU [National Diet Library, Japan]
- European Court of Human Rights
- International Court of Justice
- International Criminal Court
- govinfo
- Supreme Court of The United States
- Library of Congress
- FindLaw [Thomson Reuters]
- Lexis+ [LexisNexis]【KU LAN only】
- Westlaw Next [Thomson Reuters]【KU LAN only】
- Digital National Security Archive [ProQuest]【KU LAN only】
- ProQuest Congressional Base and Executive Base [ProQuest]【KU LAN only】
- Research Navi – North America [National Diet Library, Japan]
United Kingdom
- British and Irish Legal Information Institute
- The Gazette official public record
- The Supreme Court
- The British Library
- Lexis+UK(旧Lexis Library) [LexisNexis]【KU LAN only】
- The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926 [GALE]【KU LAN only】
- House of Commons Parliamentary Papers [ProQuest]【KU LAN only】
- Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviation
- Research Navi – UK [National Diet Library, Japan]
- Die Bundesregierung
- Gesetze im Internet
- Juristisches Internetprojekt Saarbrücken
- Bundesgesetzblatt
- Bundesanzeiger
- Bundesrat
- Deutscher Bundestag
- Bundesgerichtshof
- Bundesverfassungsgericht
- Deutsche National Bibliothek
- Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
- Das Bundesarchiv
- Juris [N-Online]【KU LAN only】
- beck-online [Beck]【KU LAN only】
- Research Navi – Germany [National Diet Library, Japan]
- Vie-publique
- Legifrance
- Sénat
- Assemblée Nationale
- Cour de cassation
- Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Gallica
- Archives nationales
- Lexis 360 Intelligence [LexisNexis]【KU LAN only】
- Cairn.Info Journals Collections 【KU LAN only】
- Research Navi – France [National Diet Library, Japan]
- Research Navi – Countries & Regions [National Diet Library, Japan]
- Japan External Trade Organization