Find Resources
Find Resources in the Kyoto University (KU) Libraries
- KU Libraries Online Catalog (KULINE)
- You can search KULINE to find books and periodicals held in the KU Libraries. But please check the Card Catalogue on the 1st floor of the Main Library to find books published before 1985.
Please search CiNii Books when KULINE is not available, and you would like to search books and periodicals held in the KU Libraries. For futher details, please see here. - KULINE for mobile phone
- KULINE for smartphone
E-Journals & E-Books List
Syllabus Book List - Newspapers
- Please check the "Find Resource > Newspapers" page for detail.
*List of Newspapers Japanese | Overseas -
Rare Materials Exhibition / Search
Database for Titles of Kyoto University Dissertations?
Kyoto University Research Information Repository (KURENAI)
- The Database of Research Materials in Kyoto University (journal articles, thesis and dissertations, research reports, technical reports, conference papers, and others). Kyoto University members can register their own research Materials in KURENAI.
- List of Chinese Periodical Holdings in the Center for Innovative Informatics of the Humanities, Institute for Research in Humanities
Search Articles / Databases
- Search multiple e-journals and databases at once!
Please check the "Kyoto University Libraries Electronic Resources HELP- ArticleSearch" page for details. - List of Databases available at KU Libraries.
- CiNii Articles
- Database for academic journal articles mainly published in Japan. Fulltexts are available in most cases.
Web of Science (On Campus Use)
- The world''s largest citation and journal article database.
- PubMed(For Kyoto Univ.)
You can use KU ArticleLinker, and RefWorks?.
Find Other Library''s Resources
- CiNii Books / Webcat Plus
- National union catalog database of academic and research libraries in Japan. "Associative Search" of WebcatPlus is convenient when searching ambiguous themes.
Kyoto Prefecture Libraries Union Catalog
- Union catalog database of all public libraries in Kyoto Prefecture.
Kyoto Prefectural Library
- Online Catalog for Kyoto Prefectural Library (in Okazaki).
- Kyoto City Library
- Web catalog and the list of periodical / newspaper are available.
- Library Catalog Cross Search
- The object of cross search includes the catalogs of academic and research libraries, public libraries, the National Diet Library and bookstores.
- NDL Search
- You can search multiple digital archives in Japan through an integrated search. NDL Digital Collections
* List of searchable archives.
- National Diet Library Digital Collections
- The NDL Digital Collections enable you to search and view a variety of resources, collected and stored by the National Diet Library of Japan. In Kyoto university libraries, you can use the collections for only use partner libraries. Please check the About the NDL Digital Collections for partner libraries for details.
- British Library Integrated Catalogue
WorldCat Discovery Services (On Campus Use)
- The world''s largest union catalog database, which includes books, web resources, and other material worldwide.
The free, function-limited version of WorldCat is also available and it includes HathiTrust Digital Library (a collaborative digital repository joined by more than 60 research institutions and libraries). - Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books
- Union catalogue of early Japanese books, which also includes Chinese classics and books of the Meiji period. (Detailed explanation)
Chinese Classics Books Database in Japan
- The holding data of Chinese classics books in Japan (mainly large collection of such books) are available.