Service Guide
About KU Libraries
Using KU Libraries
Opening hours
Using space for self-study
Find library resources
Borrowing a book
Returning a book
Copying documents
Ordering books and copies of materials
Visiting other university's library
Contact Us
About KU Libraries
The Kyoto University Library Network is composed of the Main Library, also referred to as the University Library, and approximately 40 libraries of various faculties and research institutes. For details, please check List of KU Libraries.
Using KU Libraries
For Kyoto University members
- A library card is required to use the library. The library card can be used in all libraries and rooms on campus.
You can use your IC card as your library card.
If you do not have one, we will issue you a library card, so please inquire at your nearest library/room about the reception desk.
⇒For details, please refer to the types of library cards. - To use the library's online services, you will need a library card, student account (ECS-ID), and faculty and staff groupware ID (SPS-ID).
⇒For details, please refer to the online service usage guide.
For non-KU users
- Please refer to the Service Guide for non-KU users & the List of KU libraries (for non-KU users).
Opening hours
Library hours vary from library to library. For details, please check the calendar.
Using spaces for Self-study
Please refer to the list of spaces for self-study and find a suitable area for your learning.
- There are various spaces where you can take online classes, have discussions, and use them in groups.
- Self-study spaces in some libraries and rooms can be reserved through MyKULINE.
- There is also a self-study space other than the library/library room.
*Please contact the Career Support Center for web interviews and activities related to job hunting.
Find library resources
You can use KULINE (KU Libraries Catalog) to find books and periodicals held in the KU Libraries. Additionally, CiNii Books (National Union Catalog of Japanese universities and institutes) is another resource you can search. Furthermore, Electronic Journals and Bibliographic Databases are also available.
Please refer to Find Resources.
Borrowing a Book
- KU members can borrow books.
- When you borrow books, your library card is required.
- Some libraries have automatic check-out machines.
- Please return books in the loan period.
- In case you fail to return books by the due date, you might be penalized by losing borrowing privileges for a certain period.
- Policies on library service vary from library to library. Please check the List of KU Libraries for details.
Non-circulation materials
In principle, rare books, doctoral theses, reference books, periodicals, micro materials, and audio-visual materials are not available for borrowing.
Reserving a book
- In some libraries, a book out on loan can be reserved and used as soon as it is returned.
- In some libraries, we accept an online reservation. For information, check Information for reserving/renewing a book.
Renewing a book
- You can renew books in some libraries for one more loan period if no one else has requested it. Please apply at the Circulation Desk before your due date.
- In some libraries, we accept an online renewal. For information, check Information for reserving/renewing a book.
Returning a Book
- In principle, borrowed books should be returned to the library/room you borrowed them from.
- Books from libraries/rooms on other KU campuses can be returned to your local library/room.
→ Please refer to Requesting and Returning Books from Other Campuses.
Copying documents
The copying of Library materials is subject to copyright law, and must not infringe on the rights of the copyright holder. Therefore the following restrictions apply to the copying of Library materials:- No more than one-half of a given publication may be copied.
- The complete text of an article or other item published in a periodical may be reproduced only after a certain time interval following its publication (typically three months after published, or after the next issue has come out).
- Only one copy can be made per person.
- Copying is permitted only for research purposes.
- Regardless of profit, you must not distribute or re-copy copyright materials.
* If you want to pay at public expense, please ask your affiliated library.
* Policies on library service vary from library to library. Please check the List of KU Libraries for details.
Ordering books and copies of materials
Order books from libraries/rooms on other KU campuses
- You can order books from other KU campuses to the library/room of your department.
- If you are a user with a disability that makes it difficult for you to move around, please contact your local library/room, as you can request items regardless of the distance.
"Users with disabilities that make mobility difficult" include those who temporarily use crutches or a wheelchair due to an accident, etc. - It will take about 1-2 days to arrive. In some cases, it may take longer.
- Please refer to Requesting and returning books from other campuses.
Order books from off-campus libraries
- If the university does not have the book you want, you can borrow it from domestic and international university libraries, the National Diet Library, specialized institutions, etc. (for a fee).
Please follow the instructions of the lender when using the materials. - Please refer to the following page for details.
⇒Library request service (ILL request) guide
⇒Library online services/List of libraries that apply for ILL requests
Request copies of materials from libraries/rooms on other KU campuses
- You can order copies of materials from other KU campuses to the library/room of your department. (for a fee)
- Usually 15-20 yen/page. There is no shipping charge.
- It will take about 2-3 days to a week for copies to arrive. In some cases, it may take longer.
- If you wish to pay with public funds, please apply at the library/office of your department.
(Please refer to the Application form for use of public funds for document copying and physical lending.) - If you pay with public funds, in principle, you may view the materials in PDF format from a terminal within the campus network. [ EDDS ]
- Please refer to the following page for details.
⇒Library request service (ILL request) guide
⇒List of Libraries which accept Interlibrary Loan Requests
Requesting copies of materials from off-campus libraries
- If the university does not have the material you want, you can order copies from domestic and international university libraries, the National Diet Library, specialized organizations, etc to the library/room of your department. (for a fee)
- If you wish to pay with public funds, please apply at the library/office of your department.
*Application form for use of public funds for document copying and physical lending
*The Main Library only accepts requests for private funds. - Please refer to the following page for details.
⇒Library request service (ILL request) guide
⇒List of Libraries which accept Interlibrary Loan Requests
Visiting other university's library
Visiting a library (Reading Only)
- When you visit other university libraries, please check the institution's website for instructions on how to use the library.
- Union catalog of university libraries in Japan --> CiNii Books
- List of websites of university libraries in Japan --> Academic Libraries on the Web
- Some libraries may require the presentation of student ID or personal ID, and some may require you to contact them in advance.
- If you need a letter of introduction (permission to use a library), please apply for it at the library of your department by 1-3 days before the preferred date to visit.
- You can also apply for a letter of introduction online at [Main Library] Application for letter of introduction to other university libraries.
* Some materials may not be available for borrowing, such as bound books, books out on loan, or resources owned by a research laboratory.
*Policies on library service vary from library to library. Please check the List of KU Libraries for details.
Please see FAQ for frequently asked questions.
Contact us
If you have any question, please contact us.