Guide to Online Book Reservation and Renewal
- Online book reservations and renewals are operated under the usage rules of each library.
- The conditions are the same as the service applied at the counter of each library.
- Please refer to the List of KU libraries for the libraries that provide the service and their usage rules.
Book Reservation
- You can reserve books which status is currently "On loan" in KULINE, up to the number specified by each holding library.
- You can also apply for on-shelf reservation and book delivery service offered by some libraries by clicking the "Reserve" button. After log in to MyKULINE, when you see a message that "Please select reservation kind.", check "Keep Order".
- On-shelf reservation: Eng. North Library, Eng. South Library, Katsura Library, Uji Library
- Book delivery service: Main Library, Yoshida-South Library
- You can also make a reservation to order books from another campus within the university to the library of your department by clicking the "Reserve" button.
- Upon notification of the arrival of the reserved book, the book will be held for a certain period. The holding period differs for each receipt counter. The reservation will be automatically canceled if it is not checked out within the period specified by each library.
- Please cancel reservations through MyKULINE (【User Service】→【Check Status of Loan/Reservation】).
Book Renewal
- It is possible to extend the due date. The renewed due date will be determined in accordance with the rules of each library.
- When you extend through MyKULINE the due date of books you borrowed, the due date will be updated, starting from the renewed date. Please note that such online renewals do not extend the original due date.
- Books which have been reserved by other users can not be renewed.
- If you have overdue books, or a late penalty, it is not possible to make renewals.
- Please make renewals through MyKULINE (【User Service】→【Check Status of Loan/Reservation】).
Online Services WG (Circulation)kuline [at]
LastUpdate: 2023/08/22