Service Guide for non-KU users
About KU Libraries | Opening hours | Searching KU Library materials | Copying documents | Access to Kyoto University | Before you visit KU Libraries | Contact Us
About KU Libraries
The Kyoto University Library Network is composed of the Main Library, also referred to as the University Library, and more than 50 libraries of various faculties and research institutes. For details, please check List of KU Libraries (for non-KU users) and library web sites.
Opening hours
Library hours vary from library to library. For details, please check the calendar.
Search KU Library materials
You can search KULINE (KU Libraries Catalog) to find books and periodicals held in the KU Libraries.
KULINE does not contain some records for books and periodicals, mainly published before 1985. Please check the card-catalog in 3rd floor of Main Library. For more information, consult Main Library or other KU Libraries, and see also Search.
Copying documents
The copying of Library materials is subject to copyright law, and must not infringe on the rights of the copyright holder. Therefore the following restrictions apply to the copying of Library materials:
- No more than one-half of a given publication may be copied.
- The complete text of an article or other item published in a periodical may be reproduced only after a certain time interval following its publication (typically three months after published, or after the next issue has come out).
- Only one copy can be made per person.
- Copying is permitted only for research purposes.
- Regardless of profit, you must not distribute or re-copy copyright materials.
* Policies on library service vary from library to library. For detalis, please check List of KU Libraries (for non-KU users).
Access to Kyoto University
Please see Access & Maps. You can check the location of each library at Campus (map).
Before you visit KU Libraries
Institutional Members
If you are a member of some university or research institute, please ask the library of your institution.
The material you need may be available at your nearest public library. For the first, please contact them.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Kyoto University Library. Last updated on 2015.05.11