KU Libraries Online Catalog (KULINE)
You can search KULINE to find books and periodicals held in the KU Libraries.
Online services (MyKULINE) enable you to renew or reserve books through the website.
E-Resources & Database
You’ll need to authenticate your user status by ID and password when you access e-resources and databases. Please type your ECS-ID (Student account) or SPS-ID (Groupware ID) and password in the appropriate field.
- Guide to E-Journal and Database Authentication System
- How to use e-journals / databases via KUINS-VPN remote access service
- The Institute for Information Management and Communication
- E-Journals & E-Books List
- Databases List
- Discovery Search multiple e-journals and databases simultaneously.
- News and Newspaper
- Legal databases
Kyoto University Research Information Repository
The Kyoto University Research Information Repository (KURENAI) contains peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations, departmental bulletin papers and a wide range of scholarly works originating from Kyoto University. Kyoto University Affiliates can deposit their research findings in the Kyoto University Research Information Repository KURENAI.