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経済研究所図書室 : NetLibrary(ゲーム理論)(ビジネス、経済および経営)48タイトル提供のお知らせ

 投稿日時:2010-04-01 (3952 ヒット)

NetLibrary 48タイトルを購入いたしました。ネットでご覧いただけます。ご活用いただければ幸いでございます。

ゲーム理論 29タイトル

  1. Strategies and Games : Theory and Practice 9780585070223
  2. Game Theory and the Social Contract. Vol. 2, Just Playing {MIT Press Series On Economic Learning and Social Evolution} 9780585108490
  3. Game Theory and the Social Contract. Vol 1, Playing Fair {MIT Press Series On Economic Learning and Social Evolution} 9780585159560
  4. Game Theory 9780585159584
  5. The Theory of Learning in Games {MIT Press Series On Economic Learning and Social Evolution ; 2} 9780585133782
  6. A Course in Game Theory 9780585134826
  7. Evolutionary Game Theory 9780585135748
  8. Game Theory : Concepts and Applications {Sage University Papers Series. Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences ; No. 07-041} 9780585212128
  9. Game Theory Topics : Incomplete Information, Repeated Games, and N-player Games {Sage University Papers Series. Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences ; No. 07-122} 9780585212135
  10. Game Theory and International Environmental Cooperation {New Horizons in Environmental Economics} 9781843762898
  11. State, Anarchy and Collective Decisions 9781403900838
  12. A History of Game Theory. Volume 1, From the Beginnings to 1945 {Routledge Studies in the History of Economics} 9780203416471
  13. Chapters in Game Theory : In Honor of Stef Tijs {Theory and Decision Library. Series C, Game Theory, Mathematical Programming, and Operations Research ; V. 31} 9780306475269
  14. Credible Threats in Negotiations : A Game-theoretic Approach {Theory and Decision Library. Series C, Game Theory, Mathematical Programming, and Operations Research ; V. 32} 9780306475399
  15. Game Theory and Business Applications {International Series in Operations Research & Management Science ; 35} 9780306475689
  16. Social Networks and Trust {Theory and Decision Library. Series C, Game Theory, Mathematical Programming, and Operations Research ; V. 30} 9780306476457
  17. Controlling Global Warming : Perspectives From Economics, Game Theory, and Public Choice {New Horizons in Environmental Economics} 9781843765462
  18. Game Theory : Introduction and Applications 9780585484044
  19. Dynamic Games : Theory and Applications {GERAD 25th Anniversary Series} 9780387246024
  20. Models in Cooperative Game Theory : Crisp, Fuzzy, and Multi-choice Games {Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems ; 556} 9783540285090
  21. Artificial Economics : Agent-based Methods in Finance, Game Theory and Their Applications {Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems ; 564} 9783540285472
  22. Does Game Theory Work? : The Bargaining Challenge {MIT Press Series On Economic Learning and Social Evolution ; 7} 9781429465540
  23. Introduction to the Theory of Cooperative Games {Theory and Decision Library. Series C, Game Theory, Mathematical Programming, and Operations Research ; V. 34; 2nd Ed.} 9783540729457
  24. Game Theory : A Very Short Introduction {Very Short Introductions ; 173} 9781435617650
  25. Algorithmic Game Theory 9780511355721
  26. Playing for Real : A Text on Game Theory 9781435620049
  27. Game Theory and Economic Modelling 9780191521331
  28. Bounds of Reason : Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences 9781400830367
  29. Lectures on the Theory of Games {Annals of Mathematics Studies} 9781400829569

ビジネス、経済および経営 19タイトル

  1. Inflation-targeting Debate {Studies in Business Cycles ; No. 32} 9780226044736
  2. Mexican Immigration to the United States {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226066684
  3. G7 Current Account Imbalances : Sustainability and Adjustment {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226107288
  4. Emerging Labor Market Institutions for the Twenty-first Century {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226261812
  5. Corruption and Reform : Lessons from America's Economic History {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226299594
  6. Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World : Fiscal Implications of Reform {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226310008
  7. Globalization and Poverty {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226318004
  8. Analyses in the Economics of Aging {NBER Conference Report} 9780226903217
  9. History of Corporate Governance Around the World : Family Business Groups to Professional Managers {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226536835
  10. Health Care Issues in the United States and Japan {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226903248
  11. Financial Markets Volatility and Performance in Emerging Markets {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226185040
  12. Capital Controls and Capital Flows in Emerging Economies : Policies, Practices, and Consequences {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226184999
  13. Decline of Latin American Economies : Growth, Institutions, and Crises {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226185033
  14. Health at Older Ages : the Causes and Consequences of Declining Disability Among the Elderly {A National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226132327
  15. Analysis of Firms and Employees : Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226042893
  16. Social Security Pension Reform in Europe {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226241913
  17. Developments in the Economics of Aging {A National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226903361
  18. Risks of Financial Institutions {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226092980
  19. Asset Prices and Monetary Policy {National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report} 9780226092126

