【附属図書館】 留学生向け 図書館ツアーのお知らせ
(2814 ヒット)
Welcome to KU Library!!
Library Tour 2017 Autumn in English!!
Library Tour
Main Library has many various spaces.
For example, “Study Room 24” which opens almost 24-hours, "Learning Commons" where you can speak and discuss with your friends, and "Media Commons" where you can listen to CDs and watch Movies.
At this tour, we take you to such places in the main library.
Times:every 15:00-15:30, 18:15-18:45 (30 mins tour)
※Meeting Point:Reference Counter at the 1st Floor of the Main Library
※Reservation:You can make a reservation at the reference counter.Reservation is not necessary.
Main Library Reference Section
TEL:075-753-2636 Email:ref660[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
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