English follows Japanese.
- ◎気象庁(京都地方気象台)の情報を元にします。
- ◎基準となる対象地域は、京都市又は京都市を含む地域とします。
■ 開館→閉館の判断
1. 開館中
現在、強風域であって、おおむね3時間後に特別警報、暴風警報の発令が 予測される場合、1-2時間後に閉館します。
2. 開館前に接近(平日)
3. 開館前に接近(平日以外)
■ 閉館→開館の判断
1. 平日
(ただし、担当職員が出勤できている場合。出勤できていない場合は、 職員が図書館に到着し開館準備ができしだい開館します)。
2. 平日以外
(ただし、担当職員が出勤できている場合。出勤できていない場合は、 職員が図書館に到着し開館準備ができしだい開館します)。
Typhoon No.12 is approaching, so we will inform you again.
The policy on the opening hours and closure of Main Library in the case of a typhoon.
If a typhoon is coming, we decide whether the library is closed or not based on the following policy.
- We judge it from the information published by the Meteorological Agency (Kyoto Local Meteorological Office).
- The information that we use covers the area that includes City of Kyoto.
■ When we close the library
1. During the opening hours
If the area is included in a strong wind area and an emergency warning or a storm warning is likely to be issued in the next three hours, we will close the library in one or two hours.
2. Before the opening hours (weekdays)
If an emergency warning or a storm warning has been issued before 6:30, we will NOT open the library.
3. Before the opening hours (weekends and holidays)
If an emergency warning or a storm warning has been issued before 7:30, we will NOT open the library.
■ When we open the library
1. Weekdays
We will open the library one and half hours after the emergency warning or the storm warning is cancelled.
(If we can’t come to the library, we will open it after we have come and finished preparation for opening hours.)
Notice: If it is after 5pm, we will not open.
2. Weekends and holidays
We will open the library one and half hours after the emergency warning or the storm warning is cancelled.
(If we can’t come to the library, we will open it after we have come and finished preparation for opening hours.)
Notice: If it is after 2pm, we will not open.
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