Kyoto University Library >  Service >  Borrowing and Returning a book

Borrowing and Returning a book

Borrowing Limits

* The Main Library provides the book delivery service for KU members who live outside Kyoto City and KU members who can not come to the library for health reasons.
 For more information, please visit here.   

Material Type lending-period Maximum number of books you can borrow Number of renewals (extensions)
Open-shelf books 2 weeks 10 volumes Up to 5 times
Stack room books 1 month Student : 10 volumes
Staff : 30 volumes
Up to 2 times
Periodicals 1 week 5 volumes Up to 5 times
Japanese style books not available for loan(reading in the libary is allowed.)
Books can be checked out at the automatic check-out machine. You can check how to use the machine out on the following video.(Weekdays 8:30AM-,Weekends and holidays10:00AM-)
Special materials that cannot be processed by the autmatic check-out should be checked out at the Circulation Desk.

Returning a book

Books can be returned at the automatic return machine. You can check how to use the machine out on the following video.(Weekdays 8:30AM-, Weekends and holidays 10:00AM-)
The materials that cannot be processed by the machine should be returned at the Circulation Desk.
When the library is closed, you can use the book chute to return books.

If you have an overdue book that has not been returned, you will not be permitted to borrow another book.

You can also return the books by postal mail or other delivery services (Items borrowed from libraries other than the Main Library are excluded).

    • Sending Address: User Support Division, Kyoto University Main Library
      Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
      TEL 075-753-2636
    • Please pack the library materials appropriately ― for example wrap in a plastic bag or cushioning material ― to reduce exposure to moisture and protect them from damage while in transit.
    • Specify on the package that library materials are inside.
    • Users are to pay the delivery fee.
    • Keep the copy of the delivery invoice in case of any accidents.

    【Main Library the Circulation Desk 2024.3.29 Last updated】