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[Main Library] Book delivery service for KU members

 On 2020-06-05 (13509 reads)


 The Main Library will start the book delivery service for KU members.

  • Period: June 8, 2020 until further notice
  • Users: KU members who live outside Kyoto City and
    KU members who can not come to the library for health reasons
  • Items:Books from the open shelves and the stack rooms and Journals
    *Books bound in traditional Japanese styles can not be borrowed.
    *Some items might not be borrowed depends on the material conditions.

    [Application process]
    Users can apply for the service through MyKULINE.
    Please refer to the following websites for details:

    • Kyoto University Library Network > Service > Guide to Online Book Reservation and Renewal
    • Reference Guide: How to use MyKULINE - Book Renewal/Reservation -


    • As for the numbers of items users can borrow, please refer to the following website:
      [Main Library] Library Service after May 8 (Borrowing for KU Members ONLY)
    • When entering request information, please write in "User comment" section the message: “Book delivery service.” and fill in your address including apartment name and room number.
    • It will take about a week to process your request.
    • The library waives delivery charge (one-way).
    • Users who can not access to MyKULINE, feel free to contact us by email below:
      Online Services WG (Circulation)
      ※Please replace (at) with @
    *As for the other current services of the main library, please refer to the following website:
    [Main Library] Library Service after May 8 (Borrowing for KU Members ONLY)

    User Support Division
