Scheduler -Detail View-

Summary [Medical Library](Guidance) : Guidance for residents 11:55-12:10
Beginning DateTime 3rd April 2017(Monday) 11:55:00
Finishing DateTime 3rd April 2017(Monday) 12:10:00
Location 医学部附属病院臨床第一講堂
Contact 医学図書館

In the guidance for residents at University Hospital, Medical Library introduces our service to new residents and clinical fellows.
You are able to download the handout (in Japanese) in 
Medical Library's website. (You need to access through Kyoto University's LAN)

Categories Events
Medical Library
Submitter 医学図書館 図書掛
Class publish
Recur Rules once  unitil 2017-04-03 11:55:00
Last Modified 2025-01-23 22:47:49
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