Scheduler -Detail View-

Summary [Talk Session] My Journey to a Dermatology Professor in the US (5:15 - 6:30 pm) [Medical Library Support Campaign for foreign medical licensing exam Part 1, 2018]
Beginning DateTime 12th April 2018(Thursday) 17:15:00
Finishing DateTime 12th April 2018(Thursday) 18:30:00
Location 京都大学医学部構内医学プラザ(I棟)
Contact 京都大学医学図書館(075-753-4323)

We will be holding a talk session having a doctor who is successful in the U.S. and graduated from Kyoto University. This is a must for those who are planning to take the USMLE.
Please refer to the Medical Library website for details.

Categories Events
Medical Library
Submitter 医学図書館 図書掛
Class publish
Recur Rules once  unitil 2018-04-12 17:15:00
Last Modified 2024-06-16 05:39:38
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