Scheduler -Detail View-

Summary Economics 9:00-20:00 (Non-KU members: 9:00-17:00, reservation required)
Beginning DateTime 24th October 2022(Monday) 09:00:00
Finishing DateTime 24th October 2022(Monday) 20:00:00
Location 経済学研究科図書室

KU members:
Please return the 'Short-Term Loan' materials by 19:45.
The BOOK DROP in front of the Economics Library is also available.

Non-KU members:
Non-KU members can read reserved items in the reading room between 9:00 and 17:00 on weekdays.
Please make your reservation at least three business days in advance through your university or public library.

Categories Open
Submitter 経済学研究科図書室 図書掛
Class publish
Recur Rules weekly MO,TU,WE,TH,FR unitil 2026-03-31 09:00:00
Last Modified 2025-02-11 18:19:19
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