Now, you can search rare material images on KULINE.

 On 2012-08-29 (5714 reads)

In the Kyoto University Online Catalog(KULINE), you can search the Rare Book Collection.

  • Simple and Advanced search available
    You can use simple and advanced search. Simple search you can find rare materials on simple keywords.
    Advanced Search offers you the ability to search on more specific fields. Enter your keywords and specify in which fields you want that query to search:
     ・Creator / Contributor
     ・Year of Publication
     ・Image (yes/no)
     ・Collection / Holding Library
     ・Languege Code
     ・Call No

    Simple search (default)

    Advanced search: click "Advanced Search" button

  • Show cover and body images in search result
    ・The search result list with images of book covers

    ・Cover and body images on the catalogue record

  • Click on image to enlarge

    If you want to see a large images, please click on a thumbnail middle of the screen.
    You can click "next"/"previous" to go for next/previous 5 images.

    ※Some items show 「リンク:貴重資料画像はこちらをクリックしてご覧下さい.」, instead of body images.
    You can view a large image.

  • Link to each volume

    If a book is more than one volume long, there is a separate link to each volume under thumbnails.

  • Search various materials together with rare materials.
    From the authors name or article title, you are now able to search together not only rare materials but also books, serials, e-books(includes "KINDAI Digital Library" of National Diet Library) and e-journals.
    ※Please click "KU search" tab before use this function.

    In addition to the rare material of "Hyohanki"(兵範記), you can search atonce, such as books and serials.

    Restrict the target only to rare materials, if you click on "RareBooks" on "Materual Type"

◆ Link to "Kyoto University Rare Materials Exhibition"(京都大学電子図書館 貴重資料画像)
  Look images ( ) only Japanese
  Find images ( ) only Japanese

[Electoric Resources Section, Kyoto University Library]

KIER Library restarted its services.

 On 2012-08-29 (2163 reads)
移転作業が完了しましたので、8月30日(木)から図書室のサービスを再開します。 ○場所 経済研究所北館2階 N201号室(経済研究所本館の北側、尊攘堂の南側にあります)     ※電話番号、FAX番号は変更ありません。 ○サービス内容の変更点   ・図書室には前年度と当年度に受け入れた雑誌のみがあります。   ・閲覧スペース(閲覧机と椅子と利用者用PC)はありません。   ・書庫には入庫できません。室員が出納します。    利用を希望する資料がある場合は、利用希望日の前日の午前中までに、    メールかFAXでお名前・書名をお知らせください。利用可能かどうか    お返事さしあげますので、必ずその返事を待ってからご来室ください。    問い合わせなしで当日急に来室されても、対応できない場合がありますので    ご了承ください。   ・マッケンジーライブラリーは利用できません。

Solved: Access trouble with Web of Science & Web of Knowledge

 On 2012-08-27 (2228 reads)
復旧しました。Solved. 2012/8/27 15:05
現在、Web of Science, Web of Knowledgeにアクセス障害が発生して、利用できません。(2012/8/27 14:55)

Web of Science and Web of Knowledge are unavairable now because accident has occured.


New Features in the Library Catalog (Kyoto University Doctoral Dissertations)

 On 2012-08-24 (5507 reads)

In the new Kyoto University Online Catalog(KULINE), you can search the doctoral dissertation.In addition, the following features have added.

  • You can search various materials together with the dissertation.
    From the authors name or article title, you are now able to search together not only dissertation but also books, serials, e-books and e-journals.

    In addition to the dissertation of Mr. Yu Fujikawa, you can search atonce, such as books and serials.
    ※As usual, you can also search for only dissertation.

  • You can see the Kyoto University Research Information Repository.
    From the search results, you can see Kyoto University Research Information Repository (KURENAI).
    You can access the text and the abstract of the dissertation published in the KURENAI.

    ※Dissertation since 2000 are available(As of August 23, 2012) . We are going to do the maintenance data back in the future.

  • You can see the information of the book, which was submitted as dissertation.
    From the search results, you can see the title, holdingslist,etc.

    This feature is limitted to the book which is in the Kyoto University Library collection.

◆Kyoto University Doctoral Dissertations

[Electoric Resources Section, Kyoto University Library]

Rare materials "Ekisho (易抄)" et al are available on Kyoto University Digital Library

 On 2012-08-24 (3210 reads)

6 digitized rare materials became avairable on Kyoto University Digital Library.

◆Rare Materials Exhibition -- Kyoto University Digital Library(Japanese)

[Electoric Resources Section, Kyoto University Library]