[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 25 Rare books owned by Yoshida-South Library, G.S. Letters, G.S. Economics and the Medical Library digitized and released

 On 2020-11-11 (1850 reads)

Twenty-five Rare books owned by Yoshida-South Library, the Graduate School of Letters, the Graduate School of Economics and the Medical Library have been digitized and released in the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.

Among those, Zhong yi shui hu quan shu (忠義水滸全書) owned by the Graduate School of Letters was bequested by Dr. Kojiro Yoshikawa (吉川幸次郎; 1904-1980) and includes many annotations which he wrote when he translated the book into Japanese.

Zhong yi shui hu quan shu (忠義水滸全書)

LibraryRecord IDTitleAuthorCall Number
Yoshida-South LibraryRB00031730元史 210巻(明)王禕等奉勑修515//131/三高和
RB00031731重校正唐文粹 100卷(宋)姚鉉纂412//55/三高和
RB00031732彙苑詳註 36 巻(明)王世貞編 ; 鄒道元校030//26/三高和
RB00031733注釋古周禮 5巻 ; 考工記明 郎兆玉譔216//252/三高和
RB00031734二如亭群芳譜(明)王象晋纂輯 ; (明)毛鳳苞較正663//11/三高和
RB00031735四書徴湯睡菴鍳定 ; 王夢簡彙輯 ; 馮汝密 [ほか] 訂216//26/三高和
G.S. LettersRB00031736忠義水滸全書 中哲文D Vib 7-40
RB00031737新鐫節義鴛鴦嬌紅記 中哲文D Vg 15-13
G.S. EconomicsRB00031738亞米利加總記 1巻續2巻後編3巻林則徐譯 ; 魏源重輯 ; 廣瀬達解18/2-1/Tsu
RB00031739Histoire ecclesiastique des isles et royaumes du IaponFrancçois Solier.上野文庫/CII/22/SOLI
RB00031740Fasciculus e Iapponicis floribus, suo adhuc madentibus sanguine, compositus a P. Antonio Francisco Cardim è Societate Iesu : prouinciæ Iapponiæ ad urbem procuratore : qui legitis flores, hos legite, sic quoniam positi suaves miscentur odores. 上野文庫/CII/22/CARD
RB00031741Some thoughts concerning education[John Locke]CII/24/LOCK/貴重書
RB00031742Relation abregée de la nouvelle persecution de la Chine : tirée de la relation composée à Macao par les missionnaires de l'Ordre de Saint Dominique, qui ont été chassés de cette mission : traduite de l'ItalienFrançois Gonzalés de S. Pierre.上野文庫/CII/22/RELA
RB00031743A new history of China : containing a description of the most considerable particulars of that vast empireGabriel MagaillansCIII/5/MAGA
RB00031744A letter concerning enthusiasm : sensus communis : an essay on the freedom of wit and humour. (Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times / by Anthony Shaftesbury ; vol. 1).Anthony ShaftesburyCII/17/SHAF/貴重書
RB00031745Letters on Mr Hume's history of Great Britain[Daniel MacQueen]CII/4/MACQ/貴重書
RB00031746Four dissertationsDavid Hume上野文庫/CII/3/HUME
RB00031747The history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. ; v. 1, v. 2, v. 3.William RobertsonBIV/26/ROBE/貴重書
RB00031748Strictures on the modern system of female education : with a view of the principles and conduct prevalent among women of rank and fortune. In two volumes ; v. 1, v. 2.Hannah MoreCII/24/MORE/貴重書
RB00031749On the principles of political economy, and taxationDavid RicardoBücher/BI/3-3/RICA
RB00031750On the principles of political economy, and taxationDavid RicardoBI/3-3/RICA
RB00031751Compte-rendu général des travaux du Congrès international de statistique dans ses sessions : de Bruxelles, 1853; Paris, 1855; Vienne, 1857; Londres, 1860, et Berlin, 1863 Mayr/BIII/1/COMP
RB00031752Compte-rendu des travaux de la VIe session du Congrès international de statistique : réuni à Florence les 29, 30 septembre, 1, 2, 3, 4, et 5 octobre 1867 Mayr/BIII/1/CONG
Medical LibraryRB00031753An experimental history of the materia medica, or of the natural and artificial substances made use of in medicine, 2nd ed., 1768William Lewis 
RB00031754Damen-Conversations-Lexikonherausgegeben im Verein mit Gelehrten und Schriftstellerinnen von Carl Herlosssohn 




[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Two rare materials belonging to the Graduate School of Letters have been digitized and released

 On 2020-10-01 (1452 reads)

Two rare materials belonging to the Graduate School of Letters have been digitized and released in the Digital Archive: Da ming sheng tu (大明省圖) and Shuo wen jie zi xi zhuan (説文解字繋傳 40卷).

Da ming sheng tu (大明省圖), also called Da Ming yu di tu (大明輿地圖) from the label on its box, is a large-sized colored picture map of mainland China consisting of two East and West scrolls. The released data also includes a merged image of the two scrolls set side by side to show the whole map at one glance.
Shuo wen jie zi xi zhuan (説文解字繋傳 40卷) is an annotated edition of Shuo wen jie zi by Xu Kai (徐鍇; 920-974) who served Southern Tang in China. This copy is a rare early print from the reprint edition by Qi Junzao (祁寯藻; 1793-1866) in 1839.

As of October 1, 2020, the Digital Archive provides 1,365,858 images of 17,642 titles.

Da ming sheng tu
Da ming sheng tu (大明省圖)

Shuo wen jie zi xi zhuan
Shuo wen jie zi xi zhuan (説文解字繋傳 40卷)




 On 2020-09-29 (1446 reads)

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【文学研究科図書館】【重要】新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止・開館時間の変更 (8/17~8/31)

 On 2020-08-06 (1981 reads)

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 On 2020-05-28 (1746 reads)

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 On 2020-05-27 (1910 reads)

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 On 2020-05-08 (2478 reads)

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 On 2020-05-01 (1993 reads)

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 On 2020-04-20 (1444 reads)

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 On 2020-04-08 (2476 reads)

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