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[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Important Cultural Property "Dainihonshi hensan kiroku" vol.56-61 (G.S. Letters) newly released
The Graduate School of Letters of Kyoto University and the Kyoto University Museum have been carrying out the restoration and digitization of an important cultural property Dainihonshi hensan kiroku held by the Graduate School of Letters since academic year 2017. 202 images of the restored volumes 56-61 are now available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.
▼Important Cultural Property - Dainihonshi hensan kiroku (G.S. Letters)
Dainihonshi hensan kiroku (大日本史編纂記録) is a collection of more than 6,000 letters (copies) exchanged between Shokokan (彰考館; Mito Domain’s office for history compilation) in Mito (currently in Ibaraki Prefecture) and Edo (currently Tokyo) and their Kyoto office regarding the compilation of Dainihonshi (*1) by Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川光圀; 1628-1701). A total of 42,810 people and organizations and 15,159 historical records and literature works are mentioned in the letters and the content covers a wide range of aspects of the time, such as history, literature, Confucianism and Japanese classical literature, as well as the publishing culture during the Genroku Period, which makes this rare material a first-class historical record.
The rare material, before being restored, consisted of 248 volumes of about 10,000 sheets (one sheet folded in half to form a pouch makes two pages) in the form of fukuro-toji yotsume-toji (袋綴四つ目綴装) with sheets of papers folded at the fore edge and sewn at the back edge at four points. However, the rebinding and restoration done to the material during the Edo period were not appropriate to secure its long-term preservation; they also made it impossible to read the majority of the volumes without damaging them, because the text near the back edge was sewn inside the spine.
Therefore, a restoration project was launched in academic year 2017 funded by the Sumitomo Foundation (2017-2022), and also by government (2021-2023). The Graduate School of Letters has also set up Kyoto University Fund for the restoration of its library collection and the Kyoto University Museum acquired the university's special budget for this project in 2018.
Each volume of Dainihonshi hensan kiroku is to be released on the Internet through Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive upon the completion of restoration and digitization processes. As of November 8, 2024, the Digital Archive provides 2,154,076 images of 25,504 titles.
(日本語) 【データベース】China and the Modern World トライアル(~11/30)のご案内
(日本語) 【文学研究科図書館・重要】移転作業による資料の利用制限について(B・D書庫:戻り移転8/26~)
[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Jugaku Collection, Muromachi Tales and Daisō-bon have been newly digitized and released
101 items, including 64 items from Jugaku Collection and 3 items of Muromachi Tales held by the Graduate School of Letters, and 34 items from Daisō-bon held by the Main Library, have been newly digitized and released.
▼Graduate School of Letters
Jugaku Collection was formerly owned by the Japanese linguist Akiko Jugaku (壽岳章子; 1924-2005), and is a collection of mainly Shōmono, commentaries on Chinese classics and Buddhist scriptures produced during the Muromachi period. In 1987, Ms. Jugaku published a facsimile edition of 9 items titled Kōjitsuan Shōmonoshū (向日庵抄物集), and later donated 66 original items to the Graduate School of Letters.
After 37 years since the publication of the facsimile edition, we have now digitized 64 items in addition to the already released Rokumotsuzu (六物圖), and made almost the entire collection available to the public. Overwritten corrections, fill-in erasures and discolored sticky notes found in manuscripts, which were difficult to read in black and white photocopies, are now easier to read in high-resolution digital images.
Left: “古則聞書零本” / Right: “日本書紀巻第一抄(兼俱講抄)”
Muromachi Tales (Otogi Zōshi) is the general term for short stories produced during the Muromachi period. They were often enjoyed in the form of illustrated books.
Shizuka (しづか) was produced as a Nara ehon (Nara picture book) with 18 colored illustrations to the lyrics of the Kōwaka dance piece featuring Shizuka Gozen, the concubine of Minamoto no Yoshitsune. The original format was a booklet, but it has been converted into a scroll.
Kōwaka dance was a popular performing art during the Muromachi period, and books containing its lyrics spread as reading material. The entertaining stories and the highly colored illustrations delight the eyes of viewers, both in the past and present.
We introduce many other Otogi Zōshi on "Colored Illustrations", so please take a look as well.
As of July 3, 2024, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 2,153,823 images of 25,503 titles.
* The digitization of this collection is conducted under the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts” by the National Institute of Japanese Literature in which Kyoto University Library participates.
Library | Record ID | Title | Author | Call No |
Main Library | RB00033240 | 舊事本紀玄義抜萃 : 上 | 友部安崇 [著] | 1-03||ク||1 |
RB00033241 | 古今傳 : 全 | 4-22||コ||2 | ||
RB00033242 | 古今二字相傳 | 4-22||コ||3 | ||
RB00033243 | 切紙口傳條々 | 宗祇 | 4-22||コ||3 | |
RB00033244 | 増補和哥作法 | 4-22||コ||3 | ||
RB00033245 | 戴恩記 2巻 | 長頭麿著 | 4-22||タ||1 | |
RB00033246 | 和歌未来記聞書 | 中院通茂 [述], 幸隆[記] | 4-22||ワ||8 | |
RB00033247 | 和歌問答 : 全 | 4-22||ワ||10 | ||
RB00033248 | 小倉山庄色紙和哥抄 2巻 | 4-23||サ||6 | ||
RB00033249 | 新撰六帖題和歌 6巻 | 藤原家良 [ほか] 作 | 4-23||シ||12 | |
RB00033250 | 内侍所御法楽千首和歌 | 桜町天皇勅撰 | 4-23||ナ||1 | |
RB00033251 | 百人一首 : 古中歌仙 同六歌仙 | 4-23||ヒ||1 | ||
RB00033252 | まくらの山 | 本居宣長著 | 4-23||マ||1 | |
RB00033253 | 芭蕉翁真跡集 | 松尾芭蕉著 | 4-24||ハ||4 | |
RB00033254 | 連集良材 | 4-24||レ||2 | ||
RB00033255 | 狂歌畫像作者部類 2巻 | 六樹園先生撰 ; 抱亭五清画 | 4-25||キ||4 | |
RB00033256 | 西行物語 3巻 | 4-30||サ||1 | ||
RB00033257 | 紫式部日記傍註 | 壷井安鶴 [著] | 4-30||ム||3 | |
RB00033258 | 雨やとり | 4-40||ア||4 | ||
RB00033259 | いはやのさうし | 4-40||イ||2 | ||
RB00033260 | 可笑記 | 4-40||カ||7 | ||
RB00033261 | ふしんせき | 4-40||フ||3 | ||
RB00033262 | 遊仙窟 | (唐) 文成作 ; 文章生英房 [訳] | 4-45||ユ||1 | |
RB00033263 | 九弄辯 | (釈)無相文雄撰 | 4-64||キ||1 | |
RB00033264 | 磨光韻鏡後篇 | 無相 [著] | 4-64||マ||2 | |
RB00033265 | 蝦夷志 | 源君美 [著] | 5-83||エ||2 | |
RB00033266 | 武家筭術要訓 不分卷 | 6-41||フ||1 | ||
RB00033267 | 類證辨異全九集 7卷 | [月湖著] ; [曲直瀬正慶編] | 7-02||セ||24 | |
RB00033268 | 妙藥 不分卷 | 7-02||ミ||4 | ||
RB00033269 | 明醫雜著抄 3卷 | 7-02||メ||1 | ||
RB00033270 | 兵法問答 不分巻 | 8-21||ヘ||2 | ||
RB00033271 | 兵法雄鑑 52巻 | [北条氏長著] | 8-21||ヘ||5||1 | |
RB00033272 | 新刻金氏畫諩 不分卷 | 寄田延選模 | 8-44||キ||3 | |
RB00033273 | 茶式圖略 不分卷 | 8-63||チ||7 | ||
G.S. Letters | RB00033274 | 六物圖採摘 3巻 | [南楚大江撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||2||貴重 |
RB00033275 | 比丘六物圖私抄 3巻 | 珍講, 仙祐誌 | 国文:壽岳||7C||3||貴重 | |
RB00033276 | 三部經傳受聞書 | 宥快傳受, 全宥口筆 | 国文:壽岳||7C||4||貴重 | |
RB00033277 | 法蕐譯和尋跡抄 3巻 | 日遠記 | 国文:壽岳||7C||5||貴重 | |
RB00033278 | 鎮州臨済慧照禅師語録抄 | 国文:壽岳||7C||6||貴重 | ||
RB00033279 | 臨濟録 | [臨済義玄撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||7||貴重 | |
RB00033280 | 鎭州臨濟慧照禪師語録鈔 4巻 | [(唐) 義玄撰] ; (唐) 慧然集 | 国文:壽岳||7C||8||貴重 | |
RB00033281 | 佛果圓悟禅師碧岩集録 10巻 (存4巻) | [(宋) 雪寶重顯頌古] ; [(宋) 圜悟克勤評唱] | 国文:壽岳||7C||9||貴重 | |
RB00033282 | 碧巖 | 国文:壽岳||7C||10||貴重 | ||
RB00033283 | 佛果圜悟禪師碧巖録 10巻 (存5巻) | 国文:壽岳||7C||11||貴重 | ||
RB00033284 | 禪宗無門関 2巻 | (宋) 慧開 [撰] ; (宋) 宗紹編 | 国文:壽岳||7C||12||貴重 | |
RB00033285 | 無門關抄 2巻 | (宋) 慧開 [撰] ; (宋) 宗紹編 | 国文:壽岳||7C||13||貴重 | |
RB00033286 | 禪宗無門關私鈔 | 自雲記 | 国文:壽岳||7C||14||貴重 | |
RB00033287 | 禪宗無門關鈔 2巻 | 西栢記 | 国文:壽岳||7C||15||貴重 | |
RB00033288 | 古則聞書零本 | 国文:壽岳||7C||16||貴重 | ||
RB00033289 | 禪林類聚撮要鈔 4巻 | [万安英種撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||17||貴重 | |
RB00033290 | 禪林類聚鈔 2巻 | [春夕撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||18||貴重 | |
RB00033291 | 大慧普覺禪師書抄 4巻 | [万安英種著] | 国文:壽岳||7C||19||貴重 | |
RB00033292 | 四部録抄 | [万安英種著] | 国文:壽岳||7C||20||貴重 | |
RB00033293 | 宗門葛藤集 2巻 | [不鉄撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||21||貴重 | |
RB00033294 | 周易講義 | 国文:壽岳||7C||22||貴重 | ||
RB00033295 | 大學章句 | 国文:壽岳||7C||23||貴重 | ||
RB00033296 | 孟子集註抄 14巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||24||貴重 | ||
RB00033297 | 大學章句抄 2巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||24||貴重 | ||
RB00033298 | 中庸章句抄 2巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||24||貴重 | ||
RB00033299 | 論語集註抄 20巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||24||貴重 | ||
RB00033300 | 燈前夜話 | 国文:壽岳||7C||25||貴重 | ||
RB00033301 | 燈前夜話 2巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||26||貴重 | ||
RB00033302 | 小學集説 | (明) 程愈 [撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||27||貴重 | |
RB00033303 | 淺見先生小學大意講義 2巻 | [浅見絅斎講] | 国文:壽岳||7C||28||貴重 | |
RB00033304 | 小學講義 (存1巻) | 国文:壽岳||7C||29||貴重 | ||
RB00033305 | 寸鐡録 | [藤原惺窩撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||30||貴重 | |
RB00033306 | 巵言抄 2巻 | 道春編 | 国文:壽岳||7C||31||貴重 | |
RB00033307 | 呉子私抄 | (周) 呉起 [原著] | 国文:壽岳||7C||32||貴重 | |
RB00033308 | 司馬法私抄 | (周) 司馬穰苴 [原著] | 国文:壽岳||7C||33||貴重 | |
RB00033309 | 三畧諺解 | [林羅山撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||34||貴重 | |
RB00033310 | 太宗問對 | 国文:壽岳||7C||35||貴重 | ||
RB00033311 | 孫子 13巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||36||貴重 | ||
RB00033312 | 明醫雜著抄 (存1巻) | 国文:壽岳||7C||37||貴重 | ||
RB00033313 | 南北經驗醫方大成鈔 5巻序1巻 | (元) 孫允賢書 ; 宗恂解 | 国文:壽岳||7C||38||貴重 | |
RB00033314 | 歌行詩三部鈔 | 国文:壽岳||7C||40||貴重 | ||
RB00033315 | 長恨歌 | (唐) 陳鴻撰 | 国文:壽岳||7C||41||貴重 | |
RB00033316 | 琵琶行祥解 | (唐) 白居易 [撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||41||貴重 | |
RB00033317 | 莊子 10巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||42||貴重 | ||
RB00033318 | 三体詩抄零本 | 国文:壽岳||7C||43||貴重 | ||
RB00033319 | 三體詩鈔 | 国文:壽岳||7C||44||貴重 | ||
RB00033320 | 三體詩集 絶句4巻七言律詩4巻五言律句5巻 | (宋) 周弼選 ; (元) 天隱注 ; (元) 裴季昌増注 ; (日本) 素隠略取 | 国文:壽岳||7C||45||貴重 | |
RB00033321 | 三體詩絶句鈔 6巻 | 塩瀬宗和 [著] | 国文:壽岳||7C||46||貴重 | |
RB00033322 | 江湖集 2巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||47||貴重 | ||
RB00033323 | 江湖風月集鈔 2巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||48||貴重 | ||
RB00033324 | 新編江湖風月集略註 2巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||49||貴重 | ||
RB00033325 | 新編江湖風月集 | 国文:壽岳||7C||50||貴重 | ||
RB00033326 | 江湖集聞書 2巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||51||貴重 | ||
RB00033327 | 江湖集聞書 | 国文:壽岳||7C||52||貴重 | ||
RB00033328 | 新編江湖風月集略註鈔 2巻 | [万安著] | 国文:壽岳||7C||53||貴重 | |
RB00033329 | 新刋錦繡叚抄 5巻 | 天隱龍澤 [編] ; 月舟寿桂 [注] | 国文:壽岳||7C||54||貴重 | |
RB00033330 | 中華若木詩抄 3巻 | 東山如月和尚註 | 国文:壽岳||7C||55||貴重 | |
RB00033331 | 雲和尚古文真寳之抄 10巻 (存8巻) | 国文:壽岳||7C||56||貴重 | ||
RB00033332 | 日本書紀巻第一抄 | 国文:壽岳||7C||57||貴重 | ||
RB00033333 | 神代抄 | 国文:壽岳||7C||58||貴重 | ||
RB00033334 | 日本紀神代抄 11巻起1巻 | 清原宣賢 [撰] | 国文:壽岳||7C||59||貴重 | |
RB00033335 | 三社託宣略鈔 | 松本氏 [著] | 国文:壽岳||7C||60||貴重 | |
RB00033336 | 簠簋抄 5巻 | 国文:壽岳||7C||61||貴重 | ||
RB00033337 | おあん物語 | [山田去暦女著] | 国文:壽岳||7C||62||貴重 | |
RB00033338 | しづか | 国文:Nr||49||貴重 | ||
RB00033339 | 富士草帋 | 国文:Nr||27||貴重 | ||
RB00033340 | 花みつ | 国文:Nr||26||貴重 |