Publish Research Data (Evidence Data for Articles) with DOIs in KURENAI
Have you ever had trouble finding a place to register and publish your research data when submitting a paper? →You can register and publish your research data on KURENAI.
Kyoto University Repository for Academic Information “KURENAI” is an institutional repository where members of Kyoto University can register the products of research and educational activities at Kyoto University.
Advantages of releasing research data (Evidence Data for Articles) to KURENAI
- DOIs can be assigned to research data (data supporting papers). By assigning a DOI, it becomes easier for the data to be cited, and it is expected to increase the visibility of research results.
- In recent years, the submission rules and writing guidelines of academic journals have increasingly required the publication of the evidence data of research papers. In such cases, KURENAI can be used as a place to register and publish the evidence data of your paper. After registering and publishing the data on which your paper is based in KURENAI, you can cite the DOI in your paper and submit it for publication (i.e., the data-first open access (OA) research cycle).
- The Data-First OA research cycle procedure is as follows We will introduce a practical example with research data and papers by Professor Ken Umeno of the Graduate School of Informatics, who is practicing it.
(1) The researcher registers and publishes the data on which the article is based in KURENAI first.
(2) DOI is assigned by the library
Research data in KURENAI: - (3)Researchers cite the DOIs in their papers and write/submit their papers
Papers on the publisher's site:
(4)When the paper is published, link to the paper from KURENAI's research data
(5) Manuscript files are also registered with KURENAI and made public.
Manuscripts of papers in KURENAI:
Researchers have commented that it is very good that they can assign DOIs to their research data and that the data itself can be retained by the university (KURENAI).
- KURENAI also accepts only research data for open access. Datasets obtained and created in the research process may be of use to other research subjects and researchers. If you have created a dataset for public release that can be used for secondary purposes, please use KURENAI as a place to release open data that will lead to data-driven research and open science.
- If you wish to register your research data (data on which your paper is based) with KURENAI, please follow the instructions below to apply for registration.
- It allows you to assign a DOI* to your research data, which makes citing easier and improves the visibility of your research achievements.
*DOI (Digital Object Identifier): An international identifier assigned to electronic academic data. Placing “” in front of the DOI name converts into the URL where the electronic data is stored. This enables a DOI to (1) serve as a globally unique identifier and (2) guarantee permanent access (prevent broken links). - It also makes your research data searchable on CiNii Research (National Institute of Informatics), a platform compiling research achievements in Japan, as well as on OpenAIRE, an internationally used platform, enabling both domestic and international access to your research achievements.
- Only data that can be made available to anyone free of charge may be deposited in KURENAI. You may not set a password or otherwise limit access, nor may you charge a fee for use.
- You may delay the publication of deposited data for a period of time set by you. In other words, you may specify the date of publication.
- You may deposit “research data as evidence of research achievements”. For other types of research data, please contact us using the information provided below.
- You may assign a DOI free of charge.
- DataCite DOI (a DOI by DataCite, an international DOI registration agency specializing in research data)
If you select a DataCite DOI, all metadata* registered with DataCite (though not the research data itself) will be handled as though released under CC0.
*Metadata: Data that provides information about other data. In this case, it refers to the title, creator, etc. of research data deposited in KURENAI.
Releasing metadata under CC0 increases the discoverability of research data as the metadata becomes accessible by a broader range of search services.
For more information on CC0, please see “FAQ: What is CC0?”
- DataCite DOI (a DOI by DataCite, an international DOI registration agency specializing in research data)
- It may not be possible to deposit data if it is too large. For data larger than 5GB, please contact us before submitting your application.
- Posting bulletins, articles, or any content other than research data on KURENAI requires a different procedure. For details, please see “How to make your articles open access”.
- KURENAI has no CoreTrustSeal certification yet. Please note that this repository may not serve your purpose if the organization from which you receive a research grant or to which you submit a thesis requires you to register your research data on a certified repository.
For more information on CoreTrustSeal, please see "Support service for sharing data > How to select a data repository".
Application Procedure
Please prepare a complete set of research data application documents and submit them by e-mail to the application and inquiry address at the bottom of this page. (The KURENAI publication support system is currently undergoing modification to make it easier for you to register and apply for KURENAI publication. After the modification is completed, we plan to provide a function that allows you to share the article's evidence data only with reviewers for peer review purposes).
*Research Data Application Documents Set (breakdown): Flowchart for Pre-publication Check of Research Data (pdf) / Metadata Entry Form (xlsx) / Repository Registration Form (docx)
(1) Conduct pre-publication check
Use the “Flowchart for Pre-publication Check of Research Data” to ensure that publication will present no problems. Pay particularly close attention to the protection of personal information.
(2) Prepare data files
- We recommend using only half-width alphanumeric characters (and some half-width symbols such as hyphens and underscores) for file names, not full-width characters. If you use full-width characters, the file name may become garbled when the data is transferred.
- There are no particular restrictions on file formats, but the following formats are generally recommended.
- Formats that are not dependent on specific commercial software
- Formats with internationally standardized specifications
- Formats that are widely used
- ZIP files and other formats that compress multiple files together may also be deposited.
- Multiple files may be deposited as one content (i.e., a unit by which metadata is assigned; each content is assigned its own URL). There is no limit to the number of files that can be deposited.
- If you wish to add a DOI, please consider the granularity of your deposit (the scope of what is considered a single content), keeping in mind that one DOI can be assigned to each content of data.
- We recommend that you prepare a “README file” that describes the contents and structure of the data file.
(3) Prepare metadata
- Fill in the metadata on the “Metadata Entry Form”.
- Be sure to fill in “11. Rights” to clearly specify how others may use the data. To ensure proper wording, refer to Q5 of the “Guidelines for Specifying Conditions of Use in Research Data Publishing(Japanese text only)”, released by Research Data License Subcommittee under the Research Data Utilization Forum (RDUF).
(4) Submit your application to the library
Fill in the “Repository Registration Form,” and send it along with the “Metadata Entry Form” and your complete set of data files to contact details below. You may use appropriate storage media if transferring large data files.
Q1. What are the differences between JaLC DOIs and DataCite DOIs?
A1. JaLC DOIs and DataCite DOIs do not differ in terms of function. There are, however, differences in the external research data search services that are linked to each registration agency. DataCite DOIs are specifically for research data and are therefore recorded in the Data Citation Index, Mendeley Data, etc.
Q2. Can I deposit research data before my article is published? As a condition for articles to be accepted, research data needs to be deposited and shared via a repository in advance.
A2. Yes, you can. In such case, please inform us of the URL (DOI) of your article once it has been published. We will include the URL (DOI) in the information on the research data that you deposited in KURENAI and provide a link so that the article is accessible from the research data page.
Q3. I was previously affiliated with Kyoto University. Can I deposit research data in KURENAI?
A3. You can if the data is from when you were affiliated with Kyoto University. Please use the Repository Registration Form (docx) for those not affiliated with the university and follow the appropriate application procedure.
Q4. What is CC0?
A4. CC0 is a type of Creative Commons License, which means that no rights are reserved over the subject matter. Anyone can freely make use of data released under CC0, which promotes the development of research and services that make use of such data.
CC0 ― “No Rights Reserved” Creative Commons
CC0 FAQ Creative Commons
Application and Inquiries
Repository Section, Kyoto University Library
rs660 [at]
(Inner line)16-2659