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Please ensure to store the information saved in the alert service you have registered

 On 2012-07-17 (3952 reads)
For All Users using KULINE Alert Service and MyKULINE Kyoto University Online Catalog, KULINE, will be upgraded from Aug 20, 2012! * Library Network Service will be not available while the system update. The following are the details; Please ensure to store the information saved in KULINE Service you have registered before until Aug 15 as the new KULINE will not take it over.
Services not take your information over; ● Alert Service ● Memo in MyKULINE ● Links in MyKULINE
◆ Log in Alert Service; tpl&errortpl=JT_login.tpl ◆ Log in MyKULINE; Contact : KULINE Services WG E-mail :