[Maintenance] Library Network Service will be not available on 16 Dec.
On 2012-12-14
(3461 reads)
Library Network Service will be not available due to system maintenance.
Thank you for your co-operation.
[The Kyoto University Library Network]
Thank you for your co-operation.
- Services not available : MyKULINE
- Closed period : 0am to 3am December 16
- Services not available : KULINE (OPAC), MyKULINE, Library Online Services
- Closed period : 9am to 5pm December 16
* After completion of maintenance and restart the service.
* E-journals, Databases and Library Homepage don't stop.
Please search CiNii Books when KULINE is not available, and you would like to search books and periodicals held in the KU Libraries.
For futher details, please see here.
[The Kyoto University Library Network]
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