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[My KULINE] Attention: Records on My KULINE will not be transferred to your new ID.

 On 2017-03-10 (4600 reads)

If you will go on to graduate school or transfer to a different faculty, please back up records on MyKULINE by yourself by your expiry date.
Please note that records on My KULINE will not be transferred to your new ID automatically.

Who needs to back up MyKULINE records?

Those who will change their status need to back up MyKULINE records manually. (e.g. Students who will go on to graduate school or become a staff member.)
Those who will be reissued their library card are also included.

Which records should I back up?

1. Your Library Record
 1.1. Borrowing history (*1)
 1.2. Copy request (*1)
 1.3. Loan request (*1)
 1.4. Purchase request (*1)
2. My Folder
 2.1. Bookmark (*1)
 2.2. My Search (*2)
3. New Arrival Alert
 3.1. Search Alert (*2)
 3.2. Serials Alert (*2)

How to back up

(*1) It is convenient to export Library Record (1.1-1.4.) and Bookmark (2.1.) to document management tool (RefWorks or EndNote Basic) and manage records on the tool.
  [Reference] How to use Document Management Tool. (KULINE FAQ)
(*2) Please be sure to back up manually of "My Search" (2.2.) and "New Arrival Alert" (3.1.-3.2.) since there are no export menu.

Thank you for your understanding.

[KULINE Service Team, Kyoto University Library Network]
