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[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Main Library's materials including "Portrait of Hakuseki Arai" newly released

 On 2019-06-06 (2915 reads)

Three new materials including "portrait of Hakuseki Arai" and Korean classics are now available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive. Detailed description about the items are also added to more than 7,000 records.

As of June 6, 2019, the Digital Archive provides 1,158,869 images of 13,525 titles.

RB00025174白石新井君美先生肖像 / 高岱賛, 水野徳方書Muroga Collection室賀/YR/2/和1960830331軸 ; 84cm
RB00023215經世遺表 / 丁若鏞(1762-1836) 撰Kawai Collection河合文庫/ケ/1519366811冊 : 四周雙邊 半郭 18.8×12.8cm, 有界, 10行22字 ; 24.1×15.4cm
RB00025175經世遺表 / 丁若鏞(1762-1836) 撰Kawai Collection河合文庫/ケ/151936684冊(45丁, 19丁, 56丁, 72丁) : 24.1×15.7cm


