[Main Library]Learning Support Weeks for International Students
Learning Support Weeks for
International Students
~English Lecture~
Learning Support Desk provides special support for international students during the following period.
We also hold English lectures as follows.

Reference Desk (1st floor of the Main Library)
1. How to use LaTeX (All in English)
Oct.28(Mon) 13:30-14:15
Nov.5(Tue) 16:30~17:15
Nov.13(Wed) 16:30-17:15
Speaker:Informatics D1 / Science M2・D2
2. How to Search the Literature (All in English)
Oct.31(Thu) 16:30~17:00
Speaker:Letters D1
3. Why Numerical Simulation Needed? (All in English)
Nov.8(Fri) 13:30~14:00
Speaker:Energy Science M2
*No reservation required. Please arrive 5 minutes in advance.
Host:Kyoto University Main Library
Contact:Main Library User Support Section
Email: ref660(at mark)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
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