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[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Sanskrit manuscripts and Ezo-related archives have been newly released

 On 2022-03-31 (1803 reads)

118 titles of Sanskrit manuscripts and Ezo-related archives Ezochi ikken (蝦夷地一件) and Ezo byōgi (蝦夷廟議) held by the Graduate School of Letters have been newly released.

▼Graduate School of Letters


The Sanskrit manuscripts were collected in Nepal and brought back to Japan by Professor Ryozaburo SAKAKI (榊亮三郎, 1872-1946), the initiator of Sanskrit studies in Kyoto Imperial University.
The collection became relegated to the official possession of the Faculty of Letters in 1977, and then, on the occasion of the opening of the manuscripts to the public, A succinct catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the possession of the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University compiled by Kiyotaka Goshima and Keiya Noguchi. Society for Indic and Buddhistic Studies, Kyoto University, 1983 was compiled. The descriptions of the catalogue have been cited in the “Note” section of metadata.

Saptaśatikâ Prajñâpâramitâ

Saptaśatikâ Prajñâpâramitâ


Ezochi ikken (蝦夷地一件) was a collection of official documents from 1784 to 1790 concerning the Ezo issue in the Edo shogunate.
Of the seven original volumes, the Graduate School of Letters holds Vol.1-5 including the Vol.1 and Vol.4, which have been missing for a long time. (ref. 岩﨑奈緒子著『近世後期の世界認識と鎖国』)


蝦夷地一件 Left: Russian merchant and translator of Ezo man, Right: Katana sword


Ezo byōgi (蝦夷廟議) is a collection of official documents from the visit of Laxman, the first Russian envoy to Japan, in 1792.



