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[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 1,707 titles including Tanimura Collection, Nakanoin Collection and Hiramatsu Collection have been released

 On 2022-03-31 (1684 reads)

1,707 titles including Tanimura Collection, Nakanoin Collection and Hiramatsu Collection of in Main Library have been released.

Tsukushi nikki (筑紫日記 上下) is the diary of Imagawa Ryoshun (今川了俊, 1326-1420), a military commander and poet of Nanboku-cho (Northern and Southern Courts) period, transcribed by Matsuoka Gentatsu (松岡玄達, 1668-1746), a herbalist in Edo period. Matsuoka also left lot of annotations and ownership stamps in the diary.


“筑紫日記 上下” Above left: texts and annotations, Above right: cover, Below left: ownership stamps, Below right: 開口文(texts for a part of Noh chants)


Nakanoin Michimura nikki (中院通村日記) is the autograph diary of Nakanoin Michimura (中院通村, 1588-1653) for October, 1626.
Nakanoin Collection was formerly held by Michinori Nakanoin (1856-1925). The family's contribution to research in Japanese literature is acknowledged.
In particular, Michikatsu (1558-1610) and Michimura are renowned for their deep knowledge of Japanese literature, especially waka (31-syllable Japanese poetry).




1,689 of 1,707 items released this time were digitized under the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts” by the National Institute of Japanese Literature in which Kyoto University Library participates.

