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【Main Library】PC Terminals on the 3rd floor will be suspended from February 16 to mid-March

 On 2023-02-07 (1151 reads)

As the IIMC (Institute for Information Management and Communication) will be starting a new educational computer service from March 2023,
the PC Terminal service will be suspended during the following renewal period.

■Period of suspension
 From February 16 (Thu) to early March mid-March
 *The Main Library will be closed on February 17 (Fri).

■Services subject to suspension
 PC terminals in the PC Area on the 3rd floor

The number of new PC terminals in the PC Area will be updated to 10.
For more information, please visit the IIMC website.

Ref. IIMC>【Educational Computing System】Suspension of PC Terminal Service and Cloud Storage Service

Ref. IIMC>Satellite seminar room・OSL setting place

【User Support Division, Kyoto University Library】2023.03.07 Last Updated
