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[Main Library] Rare Materials exhibited outside Kyoto University during AY2022

 On 2023-10-06 (1067 reads)
MaterialInstitutionExhibitionPeriod (Our materials may be exhibited during part of this period.)
正倉院東大寺宝図 第十二冊(A-12・一般貴重書(和))
拓本類集帖 [上下](谷村文庫)
National Museum of Japanese HistoryI Love Antiques!: Cultural Magazines Showing Pictorial Records Made by Antiquarians in Early Modern TimesMar. 7 - May 7, 2023
大隅國熊毛郡種子嶋沿海圖(伊能忠敬翁地図・一般貴重書(和))Kyushu National MuseumTanegashima A History Born from the Wind and WavesDec. 13 2022 - Feb. 12, 2023
台記(平松文庫)保延二年十月十一月十二月、久安六年春Nara National MuseumSpecial Exhibition Celebrating the Cyclical Rebuilding of Wakamiya Shrine
Splendors of Court Devotion
Shrine Treasures from Wakamiya and Kasuga Taisha in Nara
Dec. 10 2022 - Jan. 22, 2023
伊豆峯次第(島田文庫)Kokugakuin University MuseumSHUGENDO
in the Izu Peninsula: Follow in the Pilgrimage Route of Mountaineeing Ascetics
Nov. 12 2022 - Jan. 22, 2023
Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture企画展 長崎の黄檗-隠元禅師と唐寺をめぐる物語-Oct. 15 - Nov. 27, 2022
扶桑略記 巻5(谷村文庫)
大鏡 上(平松文庫)
本朝皇胤紹運録 第1冊(平松文庫)
増註前王廟陵記 上・下(普通書)
大日本史 巻10(本紀10)(普通書)
宇治拾遺物語 巻15(大惣本)
OTSU CITY MUSEUM OF HISTORY壬申の乱1350年記念企画展 大友皇子と壬申の乱Oct. 8 - Nov. 23, 2022
隋書 巻第81 列伝第46(谷村文庫)
三宝絵詞 中巻(普通書)
大谷大学博物館特別展「仏法東帰ー大仏開眼へのみちー」Oct. 11 - Nov. 28, 2022
肥後国海中の怪(アマビエの図)「新聞文庫・絵」よりMiyoshi Mononoke Museum秋の企画展「予言獣のチカラ アマビエとアマビコたち」Sep. 15 - Dec. 6, 2022
The Shoto Museum of ArtThe Power of Clothing; History of Cross-Dressing in JapanSep. 3 - Oct. 30, 2022
Nara National MuseumTemple of Great Peace
The World of Daianji and Buddhist Art in Ancient Nara
Apr. 23 - Jun. 19, 2022


    Past exhibitions

    ▼Academic year 2021
    ▼Academic year 2020
    ▼Academic year 2019
    ▼Academic year 2018 (Japanese only)
    ▼Academic year 2017 (Japanese only)
    ▼Academic year 2016 (Japanese only)
    ▼Academic year 2015 (Japanese only)
    ▼Academic year 2014 (Japanese only)

