Suspension of the use of Chinese Doctoral and Master Dissertation (CDMD) in CNKI From April 1, 2023.
KU Library’s access to CNKI will be partially suspended from April 1, 2023 in accordance with the Measures of Data Cross-Border Transfer Assessment and relevant laws effective September 1, 2022 in China. Date of resumption of access will be further notified.
The following content will be suspended, "Chinese Doctoral and Master Dissertation (CDMD)" in CNKI.
Institute for Research in Humanities Library
MAIL: 320tosho(at)
Please replace (at) with @.
[Yoshida-South Library]The library closed due to renovation work.(Feb.21st 24th)
Due to air conditioning renovation work, the library will be closed from Tuesday, February 21st to Friday, February 24th.
Please use Yoshida-South Library during this period.
[Yoshida Minami General Library Opening Calendar]
(日本語) [吉田南総合図書館] 2階PCエリア(OSL)固定端末が利用できません(2/16~3月初旬)
【展示企画】「吉田南居場所展 〜本の居場所、人の居場所〜 -建築学科有志作品展示-」開催(2/15-3/3)
「吉田南居場所展 〜本の居場所、人の居場所〜 -建築学科有志作品展示-」
吉田南総合図書館では、夏に引き続き、工学部建築学科有志の方々との協働で、設計演習課題の模型を展示いたします。 今回の展示作品は図書館、コモンスペース、集合住宅、文化施設です。 建物の種類や敷地の諸条件を元に設計者が考えた作品をぜひ会場にてご覧ください。
(日本語) [吉田南総合図書館]「吉田南講習会の1年分を総復習!レポート・論文執筆 これだけ押さえる」オンライン開催のお知らせ(2/3, 2/7)
【Yoshida-South Library】後期講習会「‐レポート・卒論に役立つ‐資料集め講座」を開催します(オンライン開催)
[Yoshida-South Library]Schedule in August.
【吉田南総合図書館:展示企画】「ヒトとモノの居場所 -建築学科有志作品展示-」開催のお知らせ(7/22-8/4)
[Yoshida-South Library]「卒論・修論執筆応援キャンペーン」を開催します
Sorry, this news is written in Japanese only.
Please refer to the following website.
The NDL's Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Individuals to Launch
The National Diet Library, Japan, (the NDL) launched a Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Individuals.
The Service is available to official registered users of the NDL.
For detail: