How to deposit your article in Kyoto University Research Information Repository (KURENAI)

* This page explains how the author can deposit their article(s) in KURENAI. Editors of bulletins published in Kyoto University can digitize and publish online your bulletins in KURENAI. [Digitization of Bulletins published in Kyoto University] (Japanese only)(PDF; 1,033KB)(ECS-ID/SPS-ID required)


All former and current affiliates may upload original content they have produced at Kyoto University (with the consent of all co-authors). This contest will remain public even if the author's affiliation changes.

Content uploadable in KURENAI

The repository accepts academic output and intellectual products generated by research or educational activities at Kyoto University. This includes academic journal articles, degree dissertations, papers in academic bulletins, scientific research grant reports, survey reports, preprints, technical papers, conference presentation materials, speech and symposia presentation materials, lecture transcripts, and teaching materials. They are needed to be produced while the authors belong to Kyoto University.

In particular, depositing degree dissertations, grants-in-aid for scientific research reports and conference papers are highly recommended, because they are not easily accessible due to their limited distribution, even though they are valuable academic and scholarly output.

How to deposit your article in KURENAI

Process and obligation of deposit depend on content type. Please check below.

Content typeObligationHow to depositNote
Journal article after April 28, 2015Open Access PolicyKURENAI Deposit System"Kyoto University Open Access Policy" mandates faculty members to publicize in principle their academic articles after April 28, 2015 on the Internet by depositing them in "KURENAI".
Dissertation after April 2013Degree Regulations (MEXT)Ask the relevant section of your graduate school about the procedureDoctoral recipients after April 2013 are obliged to provide full-text public access for their dissertations.
Other productRegistration FormThe repository accepts academic output and intellectual products generated by research or educational activities at Kyoto University.

Academic article after April 28, 2015

  1. Obtain permission from each co-author in advance.
    A draft of obtaining agreement from co-authors (Word file)
  2. Login "KURENAI Deposit System" (SPS-ID required) and deposit your article referring to the KURENAI Deposit System manual.
    *If you can't use "KURENAI Deposit System", please apply on Registration Form.

Dissertation after April 2013

Doctoral recipients after April 2013 are obliged to provide full-text public access for their dissertations. Please ask the relevant section of your graduate school about the procedure.

Other product

  1. Obtain permission from each co-author in advance.
    A draft of obtaining agreement from co-authors (Word file)
  2. Refer to the Copyright Transfer Agreement and check whether the publisher permits self-archiving in the institutional repository of the author. (If you are not sure about the publisher policy, please consult with the Library.)
  3. Send the information of the following two points to the Library.
    [1] Registration Form (Word file) 
    Please send this form with your signature or seal by e-mail (PDF file) or by post.
    [Kyoto University members]
          Registration Form [for Kyoto University members] (Word file)
    Please send this form by internal mail or Kyoto University e-mail.
    Undergraduate and graduate students are required to include their faculty research advisors' e-mail addresses with the Kyoto University's domain name in CC.
    [2] Data file of the article (main text and all the figures, tables and supplementaries)(as e-mail attachment)

Send to

Repository Section, Kyoto University Library
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 JAPAN
TEL: 075-753-2618
FAX: 075-753-2649
e-mail: repository[a] (replace "[a]" with "@")

Points of deposit

  • Please send the version of the article that the publisher permits.
    If you are not sure the publisher's policy about self-archiving, please send the author's final manuscript.
    You do not need to send the data file in the following cases:
    - Publisher version; the Library will retrieve the publisher version from the publisher's website.
    - The version already publicized in a preprint server or a similar public sites: please notify the URL.
  • PDF format is recommended for maximum security, though the Library accepts any format.
  • The Library will combine the main text and charts into a single PDF file, if they are submitted in separate files.
  • To submit a large-size electronic file or multiple content: Send a copy on appropriate media, such as a CD-R disc, by intra-university mail, etc.
  • If you only have a print copy: Send a print copy by intra-university mail, etc. The Library will scan it into a digital format.
  • The Library will re-check and confirm publisher's policy about self-archiving.
  • The Library will deposit and publicize the article in KURENAI.