[Main Library] Book Purchase Request for Students

Please request books for studies or reserches which are appropriate as book collection of the library. We decide to purchase the book according to the scope of our collection policy. When you apply, please fill in the following form concretely.

Eligible Applicant

Only students of Kyoto University

Not be adopted

  • Price (exclude tax): lower than 1,000 yen, higher than 30,000 yen
  • Complete works, journals, newspapers
  • Books for qualification examinations, self-development, hobbies, practical uses
  • Used books
  • In the following cases, we will purchase the Printed Book even if you choose "eBook"
    There are no eBooks for academic institutions
    eBooks are more than 30,000 yen, but Printed Books are between 1,000 yen and 30,000 yen


  • This form is for the request only to the Main library. For request to other libraries, please send directly to the library concerned.
  • One person can request lower than 12 books or 120,000 yen each school year.
  • If you have overdue books, we can not accept your request.
  • Books might not be available due to limitation on budget even when they meet the standards.


Kyoto University Library, Acquisition and Cataloging Section
shiryoseibi660 (at sign) mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

  • (*) means "to be required".

    [Main Library] Book Purchase Request for Students

    Department *

    Name *

    Status *

    Ex. undergraduate / master / docter / other

    Student card number *

    Email address * KUMOI address preferred.

    Phone number

    Title *

    Author *


    Date of publication *




    Printed BookeBookEither is fine

    Source(Ex newspaper,journal) *

    Reason for request *

    Necessary for thesis or reportRecommendation of ProfessorRecommend as library holdingsThe others

    Please write the reason for your request and recommendation concretely *

    Captcha: Anti-Spam *

    Enter same character string in image.
    Please contact us via Email if you can't read it.