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【Kyoto University Library Network】English Journal Writing Seminar (29th Nov.)

 On 2017-11-09 (5537 reads)


Kyoto University Library Workshop

For young Researchers

              English Journal Writing Seminar(Social Sciences &Humanities Field )

Date & Time: 2017/11/29(Wed.) 14:00 - 16:30

Place: Kyoto University Main Library : Library Hall (3rd floor)

Target Audience: Graduate Students / Young Researchers in Kyoto University

In Social Science and Humanities field・・・

 ・How to find a suitable journal for submitting my paper?
 ・When and what should I do before publications?
 ・What kind of papers get accepted by Journals?
 ・What should I know about research ethics?

Ms. Rosalia Da Garcia of SAGE Publishing will be there to answer your questions!

1. Simple Guide to Writing a Journal Article 
 [English] 120 min.
  Speaker:Ms. Rosalia Da Garcia(SAGE Publishing)

2. Break    10 min.

3. Open Access Activities of Kyoto University    [Japanese] 20 min.
  Speaker:Librarian of Kyoto University Main Library


Register Page
※ You can also register on-site, but those who with a registration has priority.
※ There will be no Translator.

Contact Information: Main Library User Support Section
TEL:075-753-2636 / e-mail: ref660[at]
