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【Libraries of Faculty of Engineering(Yoshida)】Opening of 2 Libraries & the schedule of reorganization

 On 2021-06-08 (1795 reads)

The five libraries of the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering at Yoshida Campus have been closed for a long time to prepare for COVID-19 countermeasures, library reorganization, and the transfer of materials, etc., and have provided materials only through the Library of School of Architecture.

In response to the temporary relocation of the Library of Global Engineering,  the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Library and the The Library of Physics will be opened on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, after establishing a system for implementing measures against infectious diseases.

For details of the service, please refer to Engineering Libraries Website "【Yoshida Libraries】Opening of 2 Libraries & the schedule of reorganization".


Contact : 090stosho[at]
