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[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: A reverse side of Chronicle of the Kamakura Period have been newly released

 On 2022-04-21 (1949 reads)

Additional images 46-56 are now available. (2022/4/25)

Kamakura Nendaiki (鎌倉年代記) is a chronicle of the Kamakura Period. It was formerly owned by the Mibu family and now in the possession of the Main Library.
The front side of the folded book is already available on Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive, and now the reverse side has been digitized and released.
On the front page, each vertical column corresponds to a year, with a summary of the major figures’ appointments and biographies.
The reverse side contains the events of the year corresponding to the front side, and also includes many records not founded in other historical documents.



LEFT Reverse side: Gentoku 2-3 (1330-1331)
RIGHT Front side: Around Gentoku 2 (1330)


As of April 25, 2022, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,872,223 images of 23,250 titles.

