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【Library Network】7/11: The recording of the lecture is now available. Online Workshop "CiNii Research, Web of Science, and EndNote Online"(7/1, 7/5)

 On 2022-07-11 (4359 reads)

poster2022.07.11 update
The recording of the lecture is now available.

(1)CiNii Research(Speaker: Main Library)
(2)Web of Science and EndNote Online(Speaker: Clarivate)

Please see the link below.
※ECS-ID/SPS-ID is required.

How can you find academic papers? How can you create a list of references easily?
These workshops will tell you how to find academic papers with database "Web of Science" and "CiNii Research", and how to make citation lists with "EndNote Online".
Library Network Online Workshop
"Web of Science, CiNii Research, EndNote Online"
*These workshops is held in Japanese only.
(1)CiNii Research
Date:July 1, 2022(Fri.) 17:00-17:45
Route Map level:
(2)Obtain information accurately(Beginner, Intermediate)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network)

(2)Web of Science and EndNote Online
Date:July 5, 2022(Tue.) 17:00-17:45
Speaker:Ms. Kumagai (Clarivate)
Route Map level: (2)Obtain information accurately(Intermediate, (3)Evaluate, organize, and manage information(Advanced)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network)

[Place] Both workshops are held in online.

Application form:

*Please apply by 17:00 the day before.
*We will share the recording later

Kyoto University Library Network
Contact: KU Main Library
MAIL: ref660[at]
