[Database] Change in access method for JapanKnowledge Lib (2023/11/1-)
On 2023-10-25
(4852 reads)
From November 1, 2023, you must use the E-Journal and Database Authentication System when you use the database "JapanKnowledge Lib".
After accessing the site, click on the authentication system bookmarklet to log in, or go to the following URL to log in.
https://kyoto-u.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://japanknowledge.com/library/If you have registered your bookmarks, please change them.
Database List "J"
Access to Electronic Resources
[Electronic Resources Section, Kyoto University Library]
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- Maintenance: JapanKnowledge (Aug. 31 - Sep. 1, 2024) (2024-07-10)
- 【Trial】(-8/9)Database"ProQuest One Education" (2024-07-09)
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- 【Trial】(-8/3)Database"O‘Reilly for Higher Education" (2024-06-10)