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[Infomatics Library] [eBooks] Trial reading [Springer Access and Select (Computer Science)] (-2024/12/31)

 On 2024-09-02 (959 reads)

About 4,800 computer science ebooks, copyright year between 2021 and 2024, are available through to the end of the year.

Graduate School of Informatics Library will purchase a certain number of them after the trial.


Access URL

Springer Link - Computer Science (Copyright Year 2021 – 2024)


How to use

 Setting up the authentication system

How to use e-resources


1. Access the following URL

Springer Link - Computer Science (Copyright Year 2021 – 2024)


2. Choose a book or a chapter


3. Click the bookmarklet

Click the bookmarklet [EJDB], and the buttons [Download book PDF]  [Download book EPUB] will appear to make the full text available.


Poster [by SpringerNature.]



You can search trial and purchased titles.

Springer Link - Computer Science


(Contact) Graduate School of Informatics Library

Tel: 075-753-5390

E-Mail: 140tosho (at)    Please replace (at) with @.
