[Library Network]Online Seminar for Paper Submission(Jun. 28)

 On 2024-05-14 (743 reads)

Wiley will hold an online seminar for paper submission.
The seminar will be held in English.

Opening the Editor's Black Box: Insider Tips for Successful Submissions

Date: June 28 2024, 17:00-18:30
Place: online(GoToWebiner)
Speaker: Dr. Dinesh Talwar (Editor-in-Chief for Chemistry—An Asian Journal and Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry)
Registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1261116086966486873

Wiley_poster_20240628poster [Wiley]

*For inquiries about the seminar, please contact the e-mail address on the poster.


Solved: [Trouble] AIMS e-journals are not available

 On 2024-05-13 (196 reads)

Fixed links to KULINE search results and links from e-journal and e-book listings.(May 15, 2024)

The AIMS Web site has been restored. However, the URLs of each journal have been changed, and the site is not accessible from the links in the KULINE search results and the links from the e-journal and e-book lists.

For the time being, please use the links for each journal on the AIMS top page(https://www.aimsciences.org).

AIMS (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) website (https://www.aimsciences.org/) is currently inaccessible. Therefore, the electronic journals provided by AIMS are not available.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

[E-Resources team, Kyoto University Main Library]

(日本語) (締め切りました)【吉田南総合図書館】短期図書館オフィスアシスタント募集のお知らせ(5/31〆切)

 On 2024-05-10 (388 reads)


Maintenance: JapanKnowledge (May 25, 2024)

 On 2024-05-08 (963 reads)

JapanKnowledge service will be suspended due to its system maintenamce during the following period.
We appreciate your support and patience.


  • 9:00 - 14:00 on Saturday, 25 May 2024 (Japan Time)

Suspended service

All JapanKnowledge Services (JapanKnowledge Lib, Select contents and JKBooks)

Database List "J"

[E-Resources team, Kyoto University Main Library]


[Trouble] Some e-journals cannot be accessed via the E-Journal and Database Authentication System

 On 2024-05-01 (544 reads)

Currently, there are some e-journals that cannot be accessed via the E-Journal and Database Authentication System.

When you access these e-journals via the authentication system, the following screen will appear.

The e-journals that are known to have this problem and how to deal with it for the time being are listed below.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

[E-Resources team, Kyoto University Main Library]