[Maintenance]Temporal suspension of the communication to off-campus(12/17)

 On 2018-11-19 (1839 reads)
The communication to off-campus will be suspended for about 10 mins due to the SINET5 maintenance.

 ■[KUINS] About SINET maintenance (Dec.17(Mon),2018 1:00-2:00)

Library Network Service (KULINE, Electronic journal etc.) will be suspended during the period.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

[Library Network]

[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 49 books held by the Main Library and the Graduate School of Science have been newly released

 On 2018-11-13 (3410 reads)

49 books held by the Main Library and the Graduate School of Science have been newly released.
996,520 images of 10,426 titles in total are available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive as of November 13, 2018.

Miyako rinsen meishou zue

燕行日記 RB00022888Main Library
乙亥燕行録 RB00022890Main Library
勘界使交渉日記 RB00022891Main Library
韓鮮疆域圖 RB00022894Main Library
許生傳 RB00022898Main Library
左氏輯選 RB00022897Main Library
種藷譜 不分卷 RB00022893Main Library
諸述雑抄 RB00012532Main Library
西浦漫筆 2巻RB00012533Main Library
石砮詩 RB00012114Main Library
宣祖(大王)實記 RB00022899Main Library
大学衍義 巻23-43 RB00012997Main Library
朝天日乘/조천 일승 RB00022889Main Library
都名所図会拾遺 4巻 RB00008617Main Library
都林泉名勝図会 RB00022902Main Library
文殊師利問経 巻下 RB00009401Main Library
廣輿圖 RB00022896Main Library
渤海攷 RB00022892Main Library
萬姓譜 (40冊) RB00022900Main Library
靈山縣地圖書 RB00022895Main Library
A voyage to the Pacific Ocean : undertaken by the command of his Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere : performed under the direction of captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore : in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780 RB00015104Graduate School of Science
A voyage to the Pacific Ocean : undertaken, by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere : performed under the direction of captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Discovery, in the years 1776, 7, 8, 9, and 80 : compiled from the various accounts of that voyage hitherto published RB00015105Graduate School of Science
An inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth : deduced from facts and the laws of nature RB00015091Graduate School of Science
Beitrage zur kenntniss des Norddeutchen Oolithgebildes und dessen Versteinerungen RB00015111Graduate School of Science
Coup-d'oeil sur la fauna des iles de la sonde et de l'empire du Japon : discours preliminaire destine a servir d'introduction a la Fauna du Japon ; Apercu general et specifique sur les mammiferes qui habitent le Japon et les iles qui en dependent RB00015114Graduate School of Science
Description des animaux sans vertebres decouverts dans le bassin de Paris : pour servir supplement a le description des coquilles fossiles des environs de paris comprenant une revue generale de toutes les espece actuellement connues RB00015115Graduate School of Science
Description geologique et mineralogique du depaetment du Bas-Rhin RB00015118Graduate School of Science
Etudes sur les glaciers RB00015112Graduate School of Science
Herbarium diluvianum RB00015097Graduate School of Science
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles tant des especes que l'on trouve aujourd'hui vivantes, que des depouilles fossiles de celles qui n'existent plus; classes d'apres les caractreres essentiels que presentent ces animaux et leurs conquilles RB00015109Graduate School of Science
Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres, presentant les caracteres generaux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales especes qui s'y rapportent : precedee d'une introduction offrant la determination des caracteres essentiels de l'animal, sa distinction du vegetal et des autres corps naturels, enfin, l'exposition des principes fondamentaux de la zoologie RB00015106Graduate School of Science
Historia Conchyliorum : Liber Primus Qui est de Cochleis Terrestribus RB00015099Graduate School of Science
Historia sive synopsis methodica Conchyliorum quorum omnium pictura ad vivum delineata, exhibetur liber primus. Qui est de Cochleis Terrestribus RB00015098Graduate School of Science
Holothurien RB00015116Graduate School of Science
Institutions geologiques RB00015108Graduate School of Science
L'archipel de la Nouvelle-Caledonie RB00015119Graduate School of Science
Mineralogia, sive Natvralis philosophiae thesavri : in qvibus metalliccae concretionis medicatorumque fossilium miracula, terrarum pretium, colorum & pigmentorum apparatus, concretorum succorum virtus, lapidum atque gemmarum dignitas continentur RB00015103Graduate School of Science
Monographie Paleontologique des couches de la zone a Ammonites Tenuilobatus (Badener Schichten) deBaden (Argovie) RB00015117Graduate School of Science
Odontography; or, a treatise on the comparative anatomy of the teeth : their physiological relations, mode of development, and microscopic structure, in the vertebrate animals RB00015113Graduate School of Science
Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles : ou l'on retablit les characteres de plusieurs animaux dont les revolutions du globe ont detruit les especes RB00015110Graduate School of Science
Strata identified by organized fossils : containing prints on colored paper of the most characteristic specimens in each stratum RB00015107Graduate School of Science
Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis, quae tussu Mariae Theresiae Augustae RB00015100Graduate School of Science
Traite ou description abregee et methodique des mineraux : presente a l'Academie Imperiale & Royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles, qui l'a juge digne de faire partie de ses propres memoires & de leur servir de suite RB00015102Graduate School of Science
Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde RB00015092Graduate School of Science
Voyages de M.P.S. Pallas : en differentes provinces de l'Empire de Russie, et dans l'Asie septentrionale RB00015093Graduate School of Science
雲根志 RB00015095Graduate School of Science
雲根志 RB00015096Graduate School of Science
貝よせの記 RB00015101Graduate School of Science
怡顔齋介品 RB00015094Graduate School of Science



[Library Network] KUINS-VPN: PPTP service will change at the end of January 2019

 On 2018-11-02 (5413 reads)

PPTP service will change at the end of January 2019.
If you access KU licenced e-journals or databases from off campus via PPTP service, please change the VPN protocol from PPTP to IKEv2.

[Limited on-Campus][KUINS] Limitation in PPTP service | News | KUINS

Connection from Off-campus | KUINS
How to use e-journals / databases via KUINS-VPN remote access service | Kyoto University Library Network

Inquiry about KUINS-VPN services:
Kyoto University Integrated Network System

[Kyoto University Library Network]


Solved!: [Access Trouble] PubMed => ArticleLinker (Oct. 24)

 On 2018-10-24 (2267 reads)

Solved! (2018/10/25 09:00)

Currently there is an problem with ArticleLinker.

Sorry for inconvenience. Repair work is in progress.

    [Main Library Academic Support Section]


    【Kyoto University Library Network Thu. 8 NOV】OECD database workshop

     On 2018-10-23 (2849 reads)

    Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


    [Library Network] Email Due Date Reminder Service

     On 2018-10-22 (1889 reads)
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.

    [Maintenance]Library Network Service will temporarily stop on Oct.28

     On 2018-10-05 (3216 reads)

    Due to the electrical equipment maintenance, Library Network Service will temporarily stop on Oct. 28.
    Sorry for inconvenience.

    ■ Closed Date : Oct. 28 2018 a.m. 5:00 - p.m. 9:00
    ■ Services not available : KULINE, MyKULINE, Electronic Library (Rare Materials Exhibition)

    • ※Upon completion of the update, services will restart.
    • ※E-journals, Databases and Library Homepage don't stop.

    [Maintenance]Library Network Service (KULINE) will be suspended from 22:00 October 24 to 7:00 October 25

     On 2018-10-05 (2630 reads)

    Due to system maintenance, Library Network Service will be suspended as follows.
    We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

    Period : from 22:00 October 24 to 7:00 October 25, 2018
    (Users may experience issues for up to one hour during these time periods.)
    Services to be affected :
    2.Online request


    (日本語) 【図書館機構講習会】10/23(火)-10/24(水) SciFinder 講習会のお知らせ

     On 2018-10-01 (2967 reads)

    Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


    [Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Reunion of medical books as Digital Fujikawa over 70 years after its original owner's death

     On 2018-09-28 (4147 reads)

    Kyoto University Library Network and Keio University Media Center concluded an agreement on the Joint Project on Digital Unification of Fujikawa Collection (Digital Fujikawa) and launched an integrated website that virtually brings together the holdings of both universities in one place by using the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) protocol on September 28, 2018.

    Fujikawa Collection was built by Yu Fujikawa (1865-1940), who taught the history of medicine at Kyoto Imperial University Medical College and Keio University School of Medicine and authored History of Medicine in Japan (Nihon igakushi) in 1904 and History of Disease in Japan (Nihon ekibyoshi) in 1912. In order to write these and his other works, he had collected Japanese and Chinese medical books published between the Heian era and the beginning of the Meiji era and Western medical books in Japanese translation after the middle of the Edo period, mainly around the end of the Edo period.

    Oranda zenku naigai bungouzu oyobi kengou (Main Library, Kyoto University) Toryu rokumyaku no shidai (Keio University Media Center)

    This project intends to contribute to the development of the research in the history of medicine in Japan by providing the comprehensive view of Fujikawa Collection that has been physically divided into several parts, each currently held by a different institution. This is also a showcase of digital unification utilizing IIIF features, for which we plan to increase digital images available and participating institutions and develop new functions, in order to progress this project from the current trial phase to a full-scale phase by the end of academic year 2020/2021.

    Digital Fujikawa

    [Available records] (As of September 28, 2018)
    Kyoto University:    4,710 records
    Keio University:    450 records (More than 1,000 records to be added in the future)

    [Related websites]
    Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive
     Top site:    https://rmda.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en
     Fujikawa Collection:    https://rmda.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/collection/fujikawa
    Digital Collections of Keio University Libraries
     Top site:    http://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/en
     Fujikawa Collection:    http://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/en/koisho
    International Image Interoperability Framework    https://iiif.io/

    Kyoto University Main Library (Library Planning Division)
     Tel:    +81-(0)75-753-2691
     E-mail:    gazo660[a]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace "[a]" with "@")
    Keio University Public Relations Office
     Tel:    +81-(0)3-5427-1541
     E-mail:    m-pr[a]adst.keio.ac.jp (Please replace "[a]" with "@")