[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 49 plates of map from Kiheitai Nikki (奇兵隊日記) have been newly released

 On 2022-03-31 (1129 reads)

The Kiheitai Nikki (奇兵隊日記) is a record of the activities of the Kiheitai, founded by Takasugi Shinsaku at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate.
It was held by Shinagawa Yajiro (品川弥二郎) at the memorial hall Sonjo-do (尊攘堂). Whole collection of the Sonjo-do was donated to the Main Library in 1900, and became the current “Meiji Restoration Collection.”
The Kiheitai Nikki consists of 27 volumes of bound records, which were already available in our digital archives, and 49 plates of maps.


Left: Chōfu-han Katsuyamajō shūhen ezu (長府藩勝山城周辺絵図)
Right: Echigotsugawa Aizutakada kan dōro ezu (越後津川・会津高田間道路絵図)


Record IDTitleList NOSizeCall No
RB00033185 [長府藩勝山城周辺絵図]1203×222cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033186 [小倉藩領内里付近絵図]226×39cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033187 [石見国絵図]345×95cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033188 [陸奥国河沼郡道路図]422.5×29.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033189 [下関絵図]540.5×80cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033190 [越後国蒲原郡粟瀬村付近絵図]624×33cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033191 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その1> ]724.5×33.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033192 [越後国岩船郡海岸図]824×135cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033193 [越後国古志郡北部絵図]939×42cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033194 [薩英戦争鹿児島湾図]1033.5×49cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033195 [越後国蒲原郡新津町絵図]1140×74.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033196 [越後国蒲原郡津川町周辺道路図]1249×67cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033197 [越後国蒲原郡五泉町付近道路図]1338.5×55cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033198 [越後国三島郡・古志郡長岡町周辺絵図 <その1> ]1431.5×44.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033199 [越後国蒲原郡津川町付近絵図 <その1> ]1540×67.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033200 [越後国蒲原郡若松街道図]1653.5×77.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033201 [越後国古志郡・魚沼郡絵図]1781×81cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033202 [越後国蒲原郡東部絵図 <その1> ]1873.5×52cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033203 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その1> ]1939×137cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033204 [越後国栃尾町・八十里越間道路絵図]2039×81cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033205 [越後国古志郡・三島郡絵図]21105×149cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033206 [越後国長岡・栃尾間道路絵図]2224.5×34.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033207 [奥越国境八十里越・六十里越方面守備布陣図]232枚とも: 33.5×24.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033208 [越後国長岡・新発田間道路絵図]2440×74cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033209 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その2> ]2527.5×38.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033210 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その3> ]2640×55.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033211 [越後国見附・村松間道路絵図]2734×48.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033212 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その2> ]2870×97.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033213 [越後津川・会津高田間道路絵図]2966.5×36.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033214 [陸奥国耶麻郡絵図]3027.5×47cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033215 [越後国頸城郡細野村付近絵図]3173×26.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033216 [陸奥国柳津・会津若松間道路略図]3233.5×25.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033217 [越後国蒲原郡津川町付近絵図 <その2> ]3324.5×33.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033218 会津絵図3456×70cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033219 [陸奥国会津若松周辺略図]3522.5×30cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033220 [陸奥国会津若松周辺道路図]3626×31.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033221 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その3> ]3757×65cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033222 [会津若松城下絵図]3830×53cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033223 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その4> ]3983×71cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033224 越後国岩船郡米沢御預所七拾七ヶ村郡中絵図4027.5×44cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033225 [越後国蒲原郡馬取村にて探索略図]4167×24.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033226 [越後国蒲原郡下田郷絵図]4274×101cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033227 [越後国見附・加茂間同盟軍布陣図]4324.5×65.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033228 [越後国三島郡・古志郡長岡町周辺絵図 <その2> ]4439×27.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033229 [越後国古志郡長岡町周辺絵図]4524.5×32.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033230 [陸奥国耶麻郡野沢付近道路略図]4627.5×63cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033231 越後国岩船郡粟生島之図4730×22.5cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033232 [越後国蒲原郡東部絵図 <その2> ]4883×83cm尊/キ7/貴
RB00033233 [陸奥国越後街道図]無番27.5×62.5cm尊/キ7/貴


The digitization of the above-mentioned rare materials has been realized thanks to the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund.
We sincerely extend our appreciation to their generosity, with our determination to continue this digitization project to preserve and make the best use of our rare materials at the same time, which we believe will lead to the promotion of research and culture.

As of March 31, 2022, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,872,197 images of 23,250 titles.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 792 items of Kyoto-related documents have been newly released

 On 2022-03-31 (1179 reads)

Nakai Collection consists of about 2,500 materials passed down through the Nakai family, the Tokugawa Government's master carpenter family in Kyoto, and 141 items related to the Maps, Work sheds and Social systems are now available on the digital archives.
Some illustrations of Kosatsu-ba are included in the Nakai Collection. The Kosatsu-ba was a place where the public notice written on the wooden plates were posted and located at the west end of the Sanjo Ohashi Bridge in Kyoto during the Edo period.


Above left: a copy of public notice in 1966 (元禄十二卯年三條高札塲江御掛免相成候定書并寸法寫)
Below left: illustration of the Sanjo Ohashi Bridge (橋梁圖11)
Right: illustration of the kosatsu-ba, a public notice board (三條大橋高札塲繪圖)


The Kyoto Machikata Collection, newly released on the digital archive, is a collection of records from Shimomaruya-cho and Hasinishi 2-chome in Kyoto from the 1600s to 1800s, which tells today how the people lived.


養子証文之事(伊三吉養子ニ付) Left: document, Right: cover paper



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 1,707 titles including Tanimura Collection, Nakanoin Collection and Hiramatsu Collection have been released

 On 2022-03-31 (1361 reads)

1,707 titles including Tanimura Collection, Nakanoin Collection and Hiramatsu Collection of in Main Library have been released.

Tsukushi nikki (筑紫日記 上下) is the diary of Imagawa Ryoshun (今川了俊, 1326-1420), a military commander and poet of Nanboku-cho (Northern and Southern Courts) period, transcribed by Matsuoka Gentatsu (松岡玄達, 1668-1746), a herbalist in Edo period. Matsuoka also left lot of annotations and ownership stamps in the diary.


“筑紫日記 上下” Above left: texts and annotations, Above right: cover, Below left: ownership stamps, Below right: 開口文(texts for a part of Noh chants)


Nakanoin Michimura nikki (中院通村日記) is the autograph diary of Nakanoin Michimura (中院通村, 1588-1653) for October, 1626.
Nakanoin Collection was formerly held by Michinori Nakanoin (1856-1925). The family's contribution to research in Japanese literature is acknowledged.
In particular, Michikatsu (1558-1610) and Michimura are renowned for their deep knowledge of Japanese literature, especially waka (31-syllable Japanese poetry).




1,689 of 1,707 items released this time were digitized under the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts” by the National Institute of Japanese Literature in which Kyoto University Library participates.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Sanskrit manuscripts and Ezo-related archives have been newly released

 On 2022-03-31 (1301 reads)

118 titles of Sanskrit manuscripts and Ezo-related archives Ezochi ikken (蝦夷地一件) and Ezo byōgi (蝦夷廟議) held by the Graduate School of Letters have been newly released.

▼Graduate School of Letters


The Sanskrit manuscripts were collected in Nepal and brought back to Japan by Professor Ryozaburo SAKAKI (榊亮三郎, 1872-1946), the initiator of Sanskrit studies in Kyoto Imperial University.
The collection became relegated to the official possession of the Faculty of Letters in 1977, and then, on the occasion of the opening of the manuscripts to the public, A succinct catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the possession of the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University compiled by Kiyotaka Goshima and Keiya Noguchi. Society for Indic and Buddhistic Studies, Kyoto University, 1983 was compiled. The descriptions of the catalogue have been cited in the “Note” section of metadata.

Saptaśatikâ Prajñâpâramitâ

Saptaśatikâ Prajñâpâramitâ


Ezochi ikken (蝦夷地一件) was a collection of official documents from 1784 to 1790 concerning the Ezo issue in the Edo shogunate.
Of the seven original volumes, the Graduate School of Letters holds Vol.1-5 including the Vol.1 and Vol.4, which have been missing for a long time. (ref. 岩﨑奈緒子著『近世後期の世界認識と鎖国』)


蝦夷地一件 Left: Russian merchant and translator of Ezo man, Right: Katana sword


Ezo byōgi (蝦夷廟議) is a collection of official documents from the visit of Laxman, the first Russian envoy to Japan, in 1792.





Service restored -[Maintenance] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive (Feb. 15)

 On 2022-02-08 (1562 reads)

The Maintenance work was completed (2022/2/15 11:30) and the service has been restored.

Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive will suspend its service due to system maintenance for about 1 hour from 10:30am, February 15, 2022.
The service will be restored as soon as the maintenance work has been completed. 
Thank you for your understanding.



[Solved] Trouble: Link to Digital Archive is not displayed on the KULINE

 On 2022-02-07 (670 reads)

This trouble has been solved. (Feb. 14, 2022, 9.30 a.m.)


For some rare books, the link to the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive is not displayed on the bibliography details screen of the KULINE.

Even if the link is not displayed, the digital images are available on the Digital Archive if the "Digital Image" field indicates "画像あり". Please access "Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive" and search the rare books directly.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 12titles including 西夏文華嚴經 and 万国人物図 have been newly released

 On 2022-02-04 (1711 reads)

Xi xia wen hua yan jing (西夏文華嚴經) is a Tangut translation of the Da fang guang fo hua yan jing (大方廣佛華嚴經). Of the 80 volumes, Kyoto University holds volumes 1-5 and 41 in the Graduate School of Letters, and volumes 6-10 and 36 in the Institute for Research in Humanities. Volumes 6-10 and 36 are available at the database 東方學デジタル圖書館, and volumes 1-5 and 41 are now available in the Rare Materials Digital Archive.

xi xia wen hua yan jing

“西夏文華嚴經” volume 1


In addition, 10 titles of "Bankoku Jinbutsu zu (万国人物図)", held by the Main Library and the Graduate School of Letters are now available. The "Bankoku jnbutsu zu" is a generic term for illustrated books of ethnography published in the Edo period that depict the characteristics of people around the world. Shijūnikoku jinbutsu zusetsu (四十二国人物図説, Manuscripts from Konoe Collection) by Nisikawa Joken (西川如見), Kaigai jinbutsushū (海外人物輯), Kaigai shotō zusetsu kaisei (海外諸島圖説 改正), Gaiban yōbō zue (外蕃容貌圖画), and other titles were published. It show the changes of the worldviews in early modern Japan.

Bankoku Jinbutsu zu

Left: Great Ming from “四十二国人物図説”
Center: Dutch ship from “異國人物帖”
Right: Dutch people from “異國人物帖”


Using Mirador, an IIIF viewer, you can view multiple images side by side.


Mirador (Left: “四十二国人物図説”, Right: “四十二國人物圖”)


CollectionRecord IDTitleAuthorCall No
G.S. LettersRB00033348 [西夏文華嚴經] (存5巻) 東洋史:CXIII/S/17/貴重
G.S. LettersRB00033349 [西夏文華嚴經 卷41] 東洋史:CXIII/S/11/貴重
G.S. LettersRB00033350 異國人物帖 地理:L3/436/貴重
G.S. LettersRB00033351 外蕃容貌圖画田川春道撰, 倉田東岳画地理:J6/2
Main Library (Konoe Collection)RB00008851 四十二国人物図説西川忠英(如見, 求林斎, 淵梅軒)志5-80/シ/1貴

Main Library (Muroga Collection)

RB00033341 世界萬國日本ヨリ海上里數国印王城人物圖 室賀/YG/19/2-24
Main Library (Muroga Collection)RB00033344 畫本異國一覽 3巻春光園花丸 [著]室賀/G/87/和1
Main Library (Muroga Collection)RB00033345 海外諸島圖説 改正 後集蠖屈陳人 [撰], 柳川重信畫室賀/GA/71/和2

Main Library (Non-rare Materials)

RB00033342 萬國人物盡假名垣魯文譯, 一孟齋芳虎画4-41/ハ/3
Main Library (Non-rare Materials)RB00033343 萬國人物圖繪魯文譯, 芳虎画4-41/ハ/4
Main Library (Non-rare Materials)RB00033346 四十二國人物圖 8-40/シ/1/巻別
Main Library (Non-rare Materials)RB00033347 海外人物輯永田南溪所藏, 一光齊畫5-88/カ/6


As of February 4, 2022, the Digital Archive provides 1,669,087 images of 20,582 titles.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Library Network was elected to the Executive Committee of IIIF Consortium

 On 2022-01-06 (1242 reads)

The Kyoto University Library Network was elected to the Executive Committee of IIIF Consortium.
The term of office is one year starting from January 2022.

The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) is a set of shared application programming interface (API) specifications for interoperable functionality in image-based resources hosted around the world.
IIIF Consortium manages the development of IIIF technologies and the growth of the community.

The Kyoto University Library Network joined IIIF Consortium in 2016, and released "Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive" compliant with IIIF in 2017.
With IIIF technologies, we expect that we can enhance the user experience of image presentation and image interoperability.


Executive Committee Election Results
Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive


Library Planning Section, Library Planning Division, Main Library
Please replace ☆ with @.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Six items, including books from Adam Smith’s Library and Chinese classic text of geography and astronomy in Ming dynasty, have been newly released

 On 2021-12-23 (1869 reads)

Six items held by the Graduate School of Law and Yoshida-South Library have been newly released.

Travels in Europe, Asia and Africaheld by the Graduate School of Law is a former collection of Adam Smith. A bookticket is attached to each volume, and an autograph letter addressed by MacIntosh to Adam Smith is inserted in vol.1.
This book is a travelogue consisting of 72 letters, and appendix B contains an observations of Smith’s “An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.”

Left: bookticket / Center: autograph letter addressed to Adam Smith / Right: appendix B


Five items held by Yoshida-South Library are Chinese classic text of geography, astronomy and book series published in Ming dynasty.
“De tu zeng yao” (地圖綜要) was donated by Motoharu Fujita, a geographer and a professor at the Third Higher School.




LibraryRecord IDTitleAuthorCall No
Yoshida-South LibraryRB00033234 地圖綜要(明)李釜源鑒定 ; (明)朱國達 [ほか] 編輯三高貴重書(和):533//167/三高和
RB00033235 雪廬讀史快編 60卷(明)趙維寰節三高貴重書(和):515//62/三高和
RB00033236 治暦縁起 8巻(明)徐光啓 [撰]三高貴重書(和):640//157/三高和
RB00033237 方輿勝畧 18巻外夷6巻首1巻(明)程百二等輯三高貴重書(和):533//57/三高和
RB00033238 李氏叢書(明)李贄三高貴重書(和):010//8/三高和
G. S. LawRB00033239 Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa : describing characters, customs, manners, laws, and productions of nature and art : containing various remarks on the political and commercial interests of Great Britain : and delineating, in particular, a new system for the government and improvement of the British settlements in the East Indies : begun in the year 1777, and finished in 1781Macintosh, William and  Thomson, William一般貴重書(洋):CIII||2||Mac


As of December 23, 2021, the Digital Archive provides 1,668,590 images of 20,570 titles.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Digital images of the Graduate School of Law freely reusable

 On 2021-12-22 (888 reads)

Digital images of the materials held by the libraries of the Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, publicized on the Internet are now freely reusable without application or fee.

▼Collection of Graduate Scool of Law

Please refer to "Guide for Content Reuse" of Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive for detail.