[Main Library] Notice of temporary closure due to Typhoon No. 10 (ver.2)

 On 2024-08-29 (1139 reads)

Due to the approach of Typhoon No. 10, Main Library and Study Room 24 will be temporarily closed as below:

  • 2024/8/31 (Sat) all day
  • 2024/9/1 (Sun) all day

We are open as as usual on August 30, 2024 (from 8:30 am until 9:30 pm). [Added 8/30]

This information is current as of 13:15 on August 30, 2024.
We may be closed temporarily or change the opening hours on other days depending on the path of the typhoon.
Please check this news for the latest information.



【Library Network】7/26:The recording of the lecture is now available. Online Workshop "Introduction of Article Search and Automatic Creation of Citation lists"(7/18)

 On 2024-07-26 (1084 reads)

2023.07.26 update
The recording of the lecture is now available.
*This workshop was held in Japanese only.

*ECS-ID/SPS-ID is required.
*See the fifth item in "自学自習コンテンツ一覧(学内限定)"(the list of self-study contents (on-campus only)).


These workshops will tell you how to find academic articles with database "Web of Science", and how to make citation lists with "EndNote Online".
We look forward to having you join us!

Library Network Online Workshop
" Introduction of Article Search and Automatic Creation of Citation lists "
Web of Science & EndNote Online
*This workshop is held in Japanese only.
Date:July 18, 2024(Thu.) 17:00-18:00
Lecturer:Clarivate Plc(the provider of "Web of Science")
Route Map level:
[2]Obtain information accurately(Intermediate)
[3]Evaluate, organize, and manage information(Advanced)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network

Detailed Contents
We invite a lecturer from Clarivate Plc, the provider of academic article database "Web of Science." She will explain article search and management.
・How to find important articles with Web of Science.
・How to organize articles and make citation lists with citation management tool "EndNote Online."
Let's learn tips on article search and management!

Place: Online (WebEX)

Application form:
*Please apply using your Kyoto University e-mail address.(KUMOI:~@st.kyoto-u.ac.jp、KuMail:~@kyoto-u.ac.jp)
*You can apply and participate on the day of the event.
*We will share the recording later.

Kyoto University Library Network
Contact: KU Main Library
MAIL: ref660[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp




*Related contents:Let's find Japanese articles (CiNii Research)
Now available on Kyoto University CyberLearningSpace

Route Map level: (2)Obtain information accurately(Beginner, Intermediate)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network)

Detailed Contents
Let's read Japanese articles for a deep understanding and your research! We explain how to find Japanese articles with CiNii Research, a major database for Japanese articles, on three videos below.
[1] Various sources of academic information (About 6 minutes)
[2] Searching for papers (About 8 minutes)
[3] Obtaining full texts of papers(About 6 minutes)
*These videos are held in English.

Recommended for anyone who would like to obtain and read Japanese articles .

Video Link: https://cls.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/x/rUqKyq (ECS-ID / SPS-ID is required)
No application required. KU members can watch anytime.




[Main Library/Yoshida-South Library] Long term loan for summer holiday in 2024

 On 2024-07-04 (714 reads)

Main Library and Yoshida-South Library will hold the long term loan for summer holiday.
* Journals are not included.


Main Library
  • Open-shelf books: July 23 (Tue.) - September 23 (Mon.), 2024
  • Stack room books: July 6 (Sat.) - September 7 (Sat.), 2024
Yoshida-South Library
  • Books: July 23 (Tue.) - September 7 (Sat.), 2024
    * Faculty and Staff: Open-shelf only

 Due date

October 8 (Tue.), 2024


You are able to renew books were borrowed by long term loan for summer holiday after the periods.


[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Jugaku Collection, Muromachi Tales and Daisō-bon have been newly digitized and released

 On 2024-07-03 (729 reads)

101 items, including 64 items from Jugaku Collection and 3 items of Muromachi Tales held by the Graduate School of Letters, and 34 items from Daisō-bon held by the Main Library, have been newly digitized and released.

▼Graduate School of Letters

Jugaku Collection was formerly owned by the Japanese linguist Akiko Jugaku (壽岳章子; 1924-2005), and is a collection of mainly Shōmono, commentaries on Chinese classics and Buddhist scriptures produced during the Muromachi period. In 1987, Ms. Jugaku published a facsimile edition of 9 items titled Kōjitsuan Shōmonoshū (向日庵抄物集), and later donated 66 original items to the Graduate School of Letters.
After 37 years since the publication of the facsimile edition, we have now digitized 64 items in addition to the already released Rokumotsuzu (六物圖), and made almost the entire collection available to the public. Overwritten corrections, fill-in erasures and discolored sticky notes found in manuscripts, which were difficult to read in black and white photocopies, are now easier to read in high-resolution digital images.

古則聞書零本 日本書紀巻第一抄

Left: “古則聞書零本” / Right: 日本書紀巻第一抄(兼俱講抄)


Muromachi Tales (Otogi Zōshi) is the general term for short stories produced during the Muromachi period. They were often enjoyed in the form of illustrated books.
Shizuka (しづか) was produced as a Nara ehon (Nara picture book) with 18 colored illustrations to the lyrics of the Kōwaka dance piece featuring Shizuka Gozen, the concubine of Minamoto no Yoshitsune. The original format was a booklet, but it has been converted into a scroll.
Kōwaka dance was a popular performing art during the Muromachi period, and books containing its lyrics spread as reading material. The entertaining stories and the highly colored illustrations delight the eyes of viewers, both in the past and present.



We introduce many other Otogi Zōshi on "Colored Illustrations", so please take a look as well.
As of July 3, 2024, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 2,153,823 images of 25,503 titles.

* The digitization of this collection is conducted under the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts” by the National Institute of Japanese Literature in which Kyoto University Library participates.


LibraryRecord IDTitleAuthorCall No
Main LibraryRB00033240 舊事本紀玄義抜萃 : 上友部安崇 [著]1-03||ク||1
RB00033241 古今傳 : 全 4-22||コ||2
RB00033242 古今二字相傳 4-22||コ||3
RB00033243 切紙口傳條々宗祇4-22||コ||3
RB00033244 増補和哥作法 4-22||コ||3
RB00033245 戴恩記 2巻長頭麿著4-22||タ||1
RB00033246 和歌未来記聞書中院通茂 [述], 幸隆[記]4-22||ワ||8
RB00033247 和歌問答 : 全 4-22||ワ||10
RB00033248 小倉山庄色紙和哥抄 2巻 4-23||サ||6
RB00033249 新撰六帖題和歌 6巻藤原家良 [ほか] 作4-23||シ||12
RB00033250 内侍所御法楽千首和歌桜町天皇勅撰4-23||ナ||1
RB00033251 百人一首 : 古中歌仙 同六歌仙 4-23||ヒ||1
RB00033252 まくらの山本居宣長著4-23||マ||1
RB00033253 芭蕉翁真跡集松尾芭蕉著4-24||ハ||4
RB00033254 連集良材 4-24||レ||2
RB00033255 狂歌畫像作者部類 2巻六樹園先生撰 ; 抱亭五清画4-25||キ||4
RB00033256 西行物語 3巻 4-30||サ||1
RB00033257 紫式部日記傍註壷井安鶴 [著]4-30||ム||3
RB00033258 雨やとり 4-40||ア||4
RB00033259 いはやのさうし 4-40||イ||2
RB00033260 可笑記 4-40||カ||7
RB00033261 ふしんせき 4-40||フ||3
RB00033262 遊仙窟(唐) 文成作 ; 文章生英房 [訳]4-45||ユ||1
RB00033263 九弄辯(釈)無相文雄撰4-64||キ||1
RB00033264 磨光韻鏡後篇無相 [著]4-64||マ||2
RB00033265 蝦夷志源君美 [著]5-83||エ||2
RB00033266 武家筭術要訓 不分卷 6-41||フ||1
RB00033267 類證辨異全九集 7卷[月湖著] ; [曲直瀬正慶編]7-02||セ||24
RB00033268 妙藥 不分卷 7-02||ミ||4
RB00033269 明醫雜著抄 3卷 7-02||メ||1
RB00033270 兵法問答 不分巻 8-21||ヘ||2
RB00033271 兵法雄鑑 52巻[北条氏長著]8-21||ヘ||5||1
RB00033272 新刻金氏畫諩 不分卷寄田延選模8-44||キ||3
RB00033273 茶式圖略 不分卷 8-63||チ||7
G.S. LettersRB00033274 六物圖採摘 3巻[南楚大江撰]国文:壽岳||7C||2||貴重
RB00033275 比丘六物圖私抄 3巻珍講, 仙祐誌国文:壽岳||7C||3||貴重
RB00033276 三部經傳受聞書宥快傳受, 全宥口筆国文:壽岳||7C||4||貴重
RB00033277 法蕐譯和尋跡抄 3巻日遠記国文:壽岳||7C||5||貴重
RB00033278 鎮州臨済慧照禅師語録抄 国文:壽岳||7C||6||貴重
RB00033279 臨濟録[臨済義玄撰]国文:壽岳||7C||7||貴重
RB00033280 鎭州臨濟慧照禪師語録鈔 4巻[(唐) 義玄撰] ; (唐) 慧然集国文:壽岳||7C||8||貴重
RB00033281 佛果圓悟禅師碧岩集録 10巻 (存4巻)[(宋) 雪寶重顯頌古] ; [(宋) 圜悟克勤評唱]国文:壽岳||7C||9||貴重
RB00033282 碧巖 国文:壽岳||7C||10||貴重
RB00033283 佛果圜悟禪師碧巖録 10巻 (存5巻) 国文:壽岳||7C||11||貴重
RB00033284 禪宗無門関 2巻(宋) 慧開 [撰] ; (宋) 宗紹編国文:壽岳||7C||12||貴重
RB00033285 無門關抄 2巻(宋) 慧開 [撰] ; (宋) 宗紹編国文:壽岳||7C||13||貴重
RB00033286 禪宗無門關私鈔自雲記国文:壽岳||7C||14||貴重
RB00033287 禪宗無門關鈔 2巻西栢記国文:壽岳||7C||15||貴重
RB00033288 古則聞書零本 国文:壽岳||7C||16||貴重
RB00033289 禪林類聚撮要鈔 4巻[万安英種撰]国文:壽岳||7C||17||貴重
RB00033290 禪林類聚鈔 2巻[春夕撰]国文:壽岳||7C||18||貴重
RB00033291 大慧普覺禪師書抄 4巻[万安英種著]国文:壽岳||7C||19||貴重
RB00033292 四部録抄[万安英種著]国文:壽岳||7C||20||貴重
RB00033293 宗門葛藤集 2巻[不鉄撰]国文:壽岳||7C||21||貴重
RB00033294 周易講義 国文:壽岳||7C||22||貴重
RB00033295 大學章句 国文:壽岳||7C||23||貴重
RB00033296 孟子集註抄 14巻 国文:壽岳||7C||24||貴重
RB00033297 大學章句抄 2巻 国文:壽岳||7C||24||貴重
RB00033298 中庸章句抄 2巻 国文:壽岳||7C||24||貴重
RB00033299 論語集註抄 20巻 国文:壽岳||7C||24||貴重
RB00033300 燈前夜話 国文:壽岳||7C||25||貴重
RB00033301 燈前夜話 2巻 国文:壽岳||7C||26||貴重
RB00033302 小學集説(明) 程愈 [撰]国文:壽岳||7C||27||貴重
RB00033303 淺見先生小學大意講義 2巻[浅見絅斎講]国文:壽岳||7C||28||貴重
RB00033304 小學講義 (存1巻) 国文:壽岳||7C||29||貴重
RB00033305 寸鐡録[藤原惺窩撰]国文:壽岳||7C||30||貴重
RB00033306 巵言抄 2巻道春編国文:壽岳||7C||31||貴重
RB00033307 呉子私抄(周) 呉起 [原著]国文:壽岳||7C||32||貴重
RB00033308 司馬法私抄(周) 司馬穰苴 [原著]国文:壽岳||7C||33||貴重
RB00033309 三畧諺解[林羅山撰]国文:壽岳||7C||34||貴重
RB00033310 太宗問對 国文:壽岳||7C||35||貴重
RB00033311 孫子 13巻 国文:壽岳||7C||36||貴重
RB00033312 明醫雜著抄 (存1巻) 国文:壽岳||7C||37||貴重
RB00033313 南北經驗醫方大成鈔 5巻序1巻(元) 孫允賢書 ; 宗恂解国文:壽岳||7C||38||貴重
RB00033314 歌行詩三部鈔 国文:壽岳||7C||40||貴重
RB00033315 長恨歌(唐) 陳鴻撰国文:壽岳||7C||41||貴重
RB00033316 琵琶行祥解(唐) 白居易 [撰]国文:壽岳||7C||41||貴重
RB00033317 莊子 10巻 国文:壽岳||7C||42||貴重
RB00033318 三体詩抄零本 国文:壽岳||7C||43||貴重
RB00033319 三體詩鈔 国文:壽岳||7C||44||貴重
RB00033320 三體詩集 絶句4巻七言律詩4巻五言律句5巻(宋) 周弼選 ; (元) 天隱注 ; (元) 裴季昌増注 ; (日本) 素隠略取国文:壽岳||7C||45||貴重
RB00033321 三體詩絶句鈔 6巻塩瀬宗和 [著]国文:壽岳||7C||46||貴重
RB00033322 江湖集 2巻 国文:壽岳||7C||47||貴重
RB00033323 江湖風月集鈔 2巻 国文:壽岳||7C||48||貴重
RB00033324 新編江湖風月集略註 2巻 国文:壽岳||7C||49||貴重
RB00033325 新編江湖風月集 国文:壽岳||7C||50||貴重
RB00033326 江湖集聞書 2巻 国文:壽岳||7C||51||貴重
RB00033327 江湖集聞書 国文:壽岳||7C||52||貴重
RB00033328 新編江湖風月集略註鈔 2巻[万安著]国文:壽岳||7C||53||貴重
RB00033329 新刋錦繡叚抄 5巻天隱龍澤 [編] ; 月舟寿桂 [注]国文:壽岳||7C||54||貴重
RB00033330 中華若木詩抄 3巻東山如月和尚註国文:壽岳||7C||55||貴重
RB00033331 雲和尚古文真寳之抄 10巻 (存8巻) 国文:壽岳||7C||56||貴重
RB00033332 日本書紀巻第一抄 国文:壽岳||7C||57||貴重
RB00033333 神代抄 国文:壽岳||7C||58||貴重
RB00033334 日本紀神代抄 11巻起1巻清原宣賢 [撰]国文:壽岳||7C||59||貴重
RB00033335 三社託宣略鈔松本氏 [著]国文:壽岳||7C||60||貴重
RB00033336 簠簋抄 5巻 国文:壽岳||7C||61||貴重
RB00033337 おあん物語[山田去暦女著]国文:壽岳||7C||62||貴重
RB00033338 しづか 国文:Nr||49||貴重
RB00033339 富士草帋 国文:Nr||27||貴重
RB00033340 花みつ 国文:Nr||26||貴重



[Main Library] The library hours and services from July 9 to August 5, 2024

 On 2024-07-02 (691 reads)

Main Library set July 9 (Tue.) to August 5 (Mon.), 2024 as the preparation period for the examination and will provide special services as follows.

1. 3F Library Hall is available as a study room

Hours are as follows:

  • Weekdays 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10:00 a.m. - 30 minutes before the closing time

2. Extension of hours on July 15, 20-21, 27-28

The library will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the following days.

  • 7/15 (Mon.)
  • 7/20 (Sat.)
  • 7/21 (Sun.)
  • 7/27 (Sat.)
  • 7/28 (Sun.)

For details, please check the Main Library's hours.

3. For non-KU users (including graduates)

Please refrain from entering the library because it is crowded with KU students for the period.
Thank you for your cooperation.

* For service during regular period, please refer to the "Guide for non-KU users" on the Kyoto University Library website.


[Main Library] Rare Materials exhibited outside Kyoto University during AY2023

 On 2024-06-24 (515 reads)
Material Institution Exhibition Period
今昔物語集(鈴鹿本) 巻29
延喜式 巻28 兵部省
Miyakonojyo Shimazu Residence 島津荘~平安・鎌倉期における南九州と都城~ Oct. 14 - Nov. 26, 2023
妙法蓮華経 巻第3 大谷大学博物館 古典籍の魅力2023 Oct. 10 - Nov. 28, 2023
たま藻のまへ 下巻 National Museum of Japanese History Who is an Onmyoji? - Creating charm, magic, and good vibes Oct. 3 - Dec. 10, 2023
Fukuyama Castle Museum 幕末、激動の福山藩~その序~「阿部正弘と日本開国―黒船来航―」 Sep. 30 - Nov. 19, 2023
矢乙孛児杜 2巻
斯勃盧篤験方録 1巻
客中証案 3巻
Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture シーボルト来日200周年記念 大シーボルト展 Sep. 30 - Nov. 12, 2023


Past exhibitions



[Main Library] Japanese style books (B3F stacks) become available for borrowing. (6/19)

 On 2024-06-19 (398 reads)

In Main Library, Materials located in the "Books bound in Japanese style" area on B3F become available for borrowing!

Floor Map:

Borrowing Limits

  • Period: 1 month
  • Number of books: (Student) 10 volumes / (Staff) 30 volumes
    * Total with other lending books in the stacks.




User Support Section, Main Library
E-mail: unyou660 [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 225 titles from the Main Library’s Daiso-bon collection newly released

 On 2024-05-23 (1758 reads)

225 titles from the Daiso-bon collection held by the Main Library have been newly digitized and released.

Daiso-bon is a collection of books formerly owned by Daiso (大惣), a book lender run by Sohachi Onoya (大野屋惣八) and his family in Nagoya from the middle of the Edo period to the middle of the Meiji period. Book lenders at the time usually kept books in high demand in their stock and sold the ones out of fashion away to buy new ones. Daiso, however, had a policy not to sell away books they had bought and increased their inventory until the end of the Edo period when they became the largest book lender in Japan. After the arrival of mass production of books in the Meiji period, many book lenders disappeared, Daiso being no exception. Around 1898, Daiso decided to close the business and sold its enormous inventory of 16,734 titles of books, most of which were acquired by the Imperial Library (current National Diet Library), Tokyo Imperial University, Kyoto Imperial University and the Higher Normal School (current University of Tsukuba). Daiso Collection owned by Kyoto University amounts to 3,667 titles, or 13,081 volumes. 


The majority of the items released this time are play scripts. They encompass a wide range of performances including revenge plays, courtesan purchasing, double suicide plays, and ghost stories.
Ehon Iroha kana Yotsuya Kaidan (絵本いろは假名四谷怪談) is an illustrated edition of Iroha kana Yotsuya Kaidan (いろは假名四谷怪談), a kabuki script. Its compelling and eerie illustrations draw the eye.


"絵本いろは假名四谷怪談"  Left: Illustration / Center: Back cover / Right: Front cover


As of May 23, 2024, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 2,138,775 images of 25,402 titles.

* The digitization of this collection is conducted under the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts” by the National Institute of Japanese Literature in which Kyoto University Library participates.



【Main Library】Event for Freshers "Your First Book in KU Library" and "Main Library Self-Tour"

 On 2024-04-01 (1062 reads)

Main library will hold "Your First Book in KU Library" and "Main Library Self-Tour" for freshers!

We are looking forward to your participation.
All participants will receive original library goods.

●Your First Book in KU Library


What was the first book you borrowed from Kyoto University?

Please submit the title of the first book you borrowed and a brief comment using the webform.
For details, check the poster!

●Main Library Self-Tour

You can study with friends while having discussions, use old materials in the stacks, etc.
There are many ways to use the library!
Let's go around the library with a floor map in hand and get an overview of each area and how to use it!

The starting point is the bulletin board in front of Learning Commons on 1st Floor!
Useful information about using the library is also posted on the bulletin board.




[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Six Hanging rolls from the Kikutei Collection have been newly released

 On 2024-03-29 (2203 reads)

Thanks to the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund, six Hanging rolls from the Kikutei Collection have been newly released.

Kikutei Collection is an assembly of manuscripts and books handed down through the Kikutei Family founded by Kanesue (1281-1339; 兼季), the forth son of Sanekane Saionji (1249-1322; 西園寺実兼). The Kikutei (Imadegawa) Family was designated one of the highest status court families called the Seiga (清華) family which members can be appointed as Daijō-daijin (太政大臣) and served as biwa (Japanese lute) players. The collection includes many records of the court rituals, documents on music and instruments, and diaries hand-written by nobles.
The collection deposited in 1921 and 1923 and additional documents and scrolls of portraits related to the Kikutei Family were donated to the Main Library, Kyoto University by the owner of the collection and were formally registered as the holdings of the library in January 2021.

▼Kikutei Collection

"Kinnori-kō waka" (公規公和歌) is a letter from Kinnori Imadegawa (今出川公規) when he asked Michishige Nakanoin (中院通茂) to correct his waka.

"Kinnori-kō waka" (公規公和歌)

The four Buddhist paintings all depict Myōonten in vivid colors.
Myōonten, holding a biwa (Japanese lute), is the god of music, and it is evident that the Kikutei (Imadegawa) Family, who served as biwa players, worshipped in this god.

"Shihon chakushoku Myōonten goson zo" (紙本著色妙音天五尊像)


The digitization of the above-mentioned rare materials has been realized thanks to the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund.
We sincerely extend our appreciation to their generosity, with our determination to continue this digitization project to preserve and make the best use of our rare materials at the same time, which we believe will lead to the promotion of research and culture.


▼Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive
Six Hanging rolls from the Kikutei Collection have been newly released