
  • 図書館・室の蔵書としてふさわしい学習研究用の図書をお申込みください。
  • 購入の可否は、申し込みのあった図書館・室の選書基準に照らして決定します。場合によって、購入できないことがあります。
  • お申込みいただけるのは、本学の学部生、院生(聴講生、研修員、研究生含む)です。また、匿名では受付けません。
  • 詳細については、それぞれの図書館・室へお問い合わせください。

Library Request Info Note
Main Library Request 詳細
Yoshida-South Request 詳細
Education Request 詳細 Only for students of Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education
Law Request 詳細 Only for student of Faculty of Law/School of Law, student of Law School, student of School of Government, and assistant professor / researcher of School of Law
Economics Request 詳細 申込ページは学内限定アクセスです。経済学研究科・経済学部および経営管理大学院の所属者からの希望に限ります。
Science Request 詳細 You only hope from the Faculty of Science undergraduate students.
Sci. Chemistry Request 詳細 理学研究科化学専攻所属の方、化学学生実験を受講している3回生からの希望に限ります。
Medical Library Request 詳細 Only faculty members and students of the Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine may make a request.
Med. Health Sci. Request 詳細 Only faculty members and students of Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine may make a request.
Eng. North Request 詳細 Only for students belonging to the Graduate School of Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering (including auditing students, trainees, and research students)
Eng. South Request 詳細 Only for students belonging to the Graduate School of Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering (including auditing students, trainees, and research students)
Katsura Library Request 詳細 Only for students belonging to Kyoto University (including auditing students, trainees, and research students)
Uji Library Request 詳細 Request form for Uji campus members (Faculty, Staff, Students). Please recommend books for student research and learning. We determined against "duplicate surveys" and "books selection criteria", contact you regarding purchase or not. We may not be able to accept your request immediately, for library budget.
Informatics Request 詳細 Only for students of Graduate School of Informatics and Undergraduate School of Informatics and Mathematical Science
Agriculture Request 詳細 Only the members in Faculty of Agriculture.
ICL Request 詳細 Only for members of Inuyama Campus. The application page can only be accessed from terminals on the Inuyama campus.
Yukawa Request 詳細 Only for members of YITP.
RIMS Request 詳細 Only for students of RIMS